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Kevin Hart plays Justin Bieber before Comedy Central roast

The March 30th Comedy Central roast isn’t the only time you can see Kevin Hart make fun of Justin Bieber. On March 10, the Philly comedian took on the Canadian crooner for a team game of celebrity tennis to benefit Cancer for College, a nonprofit that provides college scholarships for cancer survivors.

The March 30th Comedy Central roast isn't the only time you can see Kevin Hart make fun of Justin Bieber. On March 10, the Philly comedian took on the Canadian crooner for a team game of celebrity tennis to benefit Cancer for College, a nonprofit that provides college scholarships for cancer survivors.

In a TMZ highlight video, neither Hart nor Bieber appears to be the best players, though it seems Biebz might have taken a tennis lesson or two. At one point Bieber heads to the sidelines for a swig of water, prompting Hart to rib the singer saying, "Oh, my name is Justin Bieber. I need a water break."

Afterward, Bieber took to Instagram for a photo op with his future roast master, Hart.