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Crashes cause havoc on I-95 in Delco

Separate accidents closed both the northbound and southbound lanes of I-95 in Delaware County at different times today.

Separate accidents closed both the northbound and southbound lanes of I-95 in Delaware County at different times today.

In the first incident, a car ran under a flatbed trailer on the highway in Chester in the late morning, closing the southbound lanes for about 2 hours.

Traffic backed up for miles behind the crash near Route 352. The condition of the motorist, who had to be cut out of the car, has not been reported.

Around 1 p.m., an accident involving a car and flatbed tow truck closed the northbound lanes of the interstate near Route 452 in Upper Chichester.

At least one person was reported injured.

The roadway was still closed more than 90 minutes later and traffic was being detoured off the highway at the exit to 452.