Parade to celebrate World Series win cost city more than $1 million
Taxpayers shoveled out more than $1 million for the long-awaited World Series parade, city officials said yesterday. Police overtime alone exceeded $1 million for the Oct. 31 spectacle, which drew an estimated two million people, clogged public transportation, and gave rapturous Philadelphia sports fans a party for which they had waited 25 years.
Taxpayers shoveled out more than $1 million for the long-awaited World Series parade, city officials said yesterday.
Police costs alone - for overtime and straighttime - exceeded $1 million for the Oct. 31 spectacle, which drew an estimated two million people, clogged public transportation, and gave rapturous Philadelphia sports fans a party for which they had waited 25 years.
Mayor Nutter's spokesman, Doug Oliver, said the costs were offset by the $1.5 million in tax revenue brought in directly by the World Series.
That includes $1.25 million in amusement taxes - the percentage charged for ticket sales - and $250,000 in wage taxes for Phillies players during home games.
Oliver noted that the figures do not include extra wage taxes generated by workers in the city making additional money for extra work generated by the games.
In addition, $298,000 was contributed by donors, Oliver said.
Virtually all of the costs were for police, amounting to $1,002,517, Oliver said. The next biggest expense was for the Streets Department, at $55,253. Public Property and Recreation Departments costs, along with emergency medical services, recycling, and licenses and inspections, totaled less than $30,000.
In announcing a list of severe budget cuts last week, Nutter said the city would begin Jan. 1 to charge parade sponsors for costs, which it has not done with any regularity.
Still, the city was the main host for this party, and all costs born by city departments were paid for by the city, not the Phillies, Oliver said.