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Letters: Bissinger's 9/11 rant missed the point

IN HIS SEPT. 9 polemic against 9/11 memorializing, Buzz Bissinger used hundreds of words to rant on the virtues of silence.

IN HIS SEPT. 9 polemic against 9/11 memorializing, Buzz Bissinger used hundreds of words to rant on the virtues of silence.

And instead of following his own lead and just shutting up, he lectures about the right and proper way to recognize - or ignore - what happened 10 years ago.

But there is no single right and proper way; there are no rules for this kind of thing. The events of a decade ago touched people in many ways, and we'll acknowledge or ignore it in as many.

Whatever view you have of what happened, or what we should learn from it, or how we should acknowledge it, 9/11's significance and lessons aren't illuminated by Bissinger's narrow thinking and mean-spiritedness.

Beth Palubinsky


Enough with the 9/11 memorials. The wanton destruction of towns, cities and villages by air bombardment by the U.S. from 1945 until the present include Japan, Guatemala, Indonesia, Cuba, Congo, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lebanon, Grenada, Libya, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Iran, Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Somalia, Bosnia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Yemen and Pakistan - killing millions of innocent people.

Where's their memorial?

Mike Franklin

Marlton, N.J.

An officer to watch

Re "Controversial Cop Isn't Backing Down" (Sept. 9):

Over a five-year period, Officer Richard DeCoatsworth has had nine citizen complaints lodged against him for alleged assault, abuse and misconduct. In one, Internal Affairs found he'd engaged in "conduct unbecoming an officer."

There are officers who, during their entire career, never had one, let alone nine, complaints. Doesn't our revered and astute police commissioner, Charles Ramsey, recognize the danger?

Albert Whitehead


Class up your act

Re the slut-walk movement:

I think it shows incredibly bad taste and low standards that these bored and unoccupational bimbos would actually dress up like pure white trash and parade the Streets of Brotherly Love as sluts to prevent rape crimes.

Listen up - you don't have to wear 6-inch stiletto pumps, a halter top and a pair of Daisy Duke shorts to become a victim of rape. Rape happens to both genders (male and female) of different age groups or race, no matter what type of garments or clothing the person is wearing.

Word of advice: You don't have to dress half naked to begin a group movement.

Cecil Jiles Huntingdon (Pa.)

State Prison