Letters: Sunoco pipeline is for the greater good
ISSUE | CLEAN ENERGY Pipeline is for the greater good The article about a Central Pennsylvania family protesting the use of their property for the Sunoco Mariner East 2 pipeline ("Sunoco pipeline creates a vocal divide across Pa.," Wednesday) described one form of environmental protest that consists of little beyond a perhaps understandable victory of emotion over rational thought.
Pipeline is for the greater good
The article about a Central Pennsylvania family protesting the use of their property for the Sunoco Mariner East 2 pipeline ("Sunoco pipeline creates a vocal divide across Pa.," Wednesday) described one form of environmental protest that consists of little beyond a perhaps understandable victory of emotion over rational thought.
I can understand the property owners being upset about trees cut down on three of their 27 acres when we should be planting trees to help reduce carbon dioxide levels. But pipelines are the most energy-efficient and safe way to transport natural gas liquids such as propane.
The alternative to this 350-mile pipeline through Delaware and Chester Counties to a terminal south of Philadelphia would be railroad tank cars, which are more likely to develop leaks and harm the environment and people while consuming more energy. This is a classic case of needing to see the larger picture and realizing that the ultimate benefits to the community will greatly exceed the costs.
|John Baxter, Downingtown, jmbaxt@aol.com