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Influences What shapes the minds that make the news

Jamie Moyer pitches for the Philadelphia Phillies. He started his career in Major League Baseball in 1986. Quotation to live by: "Walk the talk; make the most of every day."

Jamie Moyer

pitches for the Philadelphia Phillies. He started his career in Major League Baseball in 1986.

Quotation to live by: "Walk the talk; make the most of every day."

Books on my nightstand right now: The Mental Game of Baseball: A Guide to Peak Performance, by H.A. Dorfman and Karl Kuehl.

Favorite poet: Edgar Allan Poe.

Favorite beach reading: Can't read on the beach; I chase my kids instead.

A book that influenced how I live my life: The Mental Game of Baseball (see above). It changed my approach to the game and helped me stay positive.

TV show I'm not ashamed to admit I watch: CSI: Miami (CBS).

Movie I love so much I've watched it more than twice: Ocean's 11.

If you turned my car radio on right now, it would be tuned to: Classic rock.

Magazines I read regularly: Wine Spectator Magazine.

Last concert/performance attended: My daughters in Annie.

Recording artist I play when my soul needs a lift: Stevie Nicks.

Person in my field whom I most admire: Kenesaw Mountain Landis, the first-ever commissioner of Major League Baseball.

Living person I'd most like to join for dinner and conversation: Tiger Woods.

Hero from history: George Washington.