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The working pets of Philadelphia: These 10 cats and dogs hang in bike shops, salons, bookstores, and beer distributors

There's Chiclet at the fabric shop, Chance at the gym, Dr. Pickles at the bookstore, and Duke Catz at the brewery.

Chance at ZAKTi Fitness
Chance at ZAKTi FitnessRead moreGrace Dickinson / STAFF

Would a friendly dog greeting you at the gym inspire you to lace up your sneakers more often? What if every time you picked up a six-pack, you could pet a legitimately cuddly cat? Or if you could while away time in the bike shop waiting room giving belly rubs to a happy pup?

Philly is filled with “working” pets who can make customer experiences exponentially more enjoyable. Meet 10 of them below.

Duke Catz of Philadelphia Brewing Co.

  1. Age: 8

  2. Years on the job: 7

  3. Daily commute to Kensington: The brewery is my home.

  4. Purrsonality: Loyal, smart, naturally comedic, a good judge of character — I won’t snuggle up to just anyone.

  5. Daily duties: Keeping pests away, looking cute while coworkers pack deliveries, greeting customers, nighttime security.

  6. Most memorable day on the job: The day I arrived. Everyone was so welcoming and smothered me with pets. I knew I had found the right home.

  7. How to win me over: Baby strollers for napping, neck rubs, Temptations treats.

  8. Dislikes: Mean dogs.

  9. Best feature: My eyes and tiger-like markings — both have unfortunately subjected me to one too many cat calls.

Chance of ZAKTi Fitness

  1. Age: 16

  2. Years on the job: 6

  3. Daily commute to Queen Village: I live a few blocks away with my dad, Pete. I love to walk here.

  4. Pawsonality: Friendly, loving, nonstop smiler.

  5. Daily duties: Motivating people to show up to exercise, sniffing out those not working hard enough, stealing the show in selfies. Teaching assistant and unofficial mascot for Meredith Elementary School.

  6. Most memorable day on the job: The day a tennis pro came to work out, and I stole three tennis balls from his bag — he had no clue until he saw them proudly displayed on my bed.

  7. How to win me over: Chin rubs, dog treats (organic only, please), a seat on your exercise mat.

  8. Dislikes: Leaving work, being told to move from high-traffic areas.

  9. Best feature: My charming smile.

Chiclet of Fleishman Fabrics & Supplies

  1. Age: 5

  2. Years on the job: 4

  3. Daily commute to Queen Village: I live a couple of blocks away with my mom, Tricia.

  4. Daily duties: Greeter, kid occupier.

  5. Pawsonality: Energetic, playful, little but tough, fiery but friendly.

  6. Most memorable day on the job: All the days people bring me pastries from Hungry Pigeon.

  7. How to win me over: Belly rubs, muffin/croissant scraps, attention.

  8. Dislikes: Men with big shoes, pants with cuffs, loud noises (especially those from the vacuum cleaner, yikes).

  9. Best feature: My good looks. Folks sometimes drop by the shop just to be around my adorable self.

Dr. (Abraham Horatio) Pickles of The Book Trader

  1. Age: 3

  2. Years on the job: 1

  3. Daily commute to Old City: I live here.

  4. Purrsonality: The store manager says I’m the laziest cat he’s ever met. Dark corners, like those in the shop’s LGBT and Sci-Fi sections, are my favorite for lounging.

  5. Daily duties: Window-watching, luring people inside, nighttime security.

  6. Most memorable day on the job: The time I went outside and caught a bird within 60 seconds of the front door opening. I’m a pro.

  7. How to win me over: Plastic straws (my favorite toy), Temptations treats, head scratches.

  8. Dislikes: Children, small dogs, being picked up.

  9. Best feature: I’m too lazy to jump on the bookshelves, and I provide excellent company on a slow day.

Levi of Fat Jack’s Comicrypt

  1. Age: 14

  2. Years on the job: 12

  3. Daily commute to Center City: I live in the shop!

  4. Daily duties: Doorman, greeter, keeping company with my fellow (much more timid) kitty coworkers.

  5. Purrsonality: Friendly, loving.

  6. Most memorable day on the job: The day I ventured outside. It was raining, so I immediately started howling at the top of my lungs until my owner let me back in. I’ll never do that again.

  7. How to win me over: Belly scratches and Temptations treats.

  8. Dislikes: Please don’t pick me up.

  9. Best feature: My beautiful green eyes and lush coat.

Louie of Rittenhouse Hardware

  1. Age: 8

  2. Years on the job: 8

  3. Daily commute to Center City: I live in Media with my dad, Jessie.

  4. Daily duties: Kid occupier, resident sleepyhead.

  5. Pawsonality: Sleepy, loving, docile.

  6. Most memorable day on the job: All the days kids show up and attack me with cuddles.

  7. How to win me over: Meaty foods, especially bacon.

  8. Dislikes: When other dogs wake me up while I’m trying to sleep — no manners!

  9. Best feature: I make a great companion and am content just residing in good company.

Gary of Bella Vista Beer Distributors

  1. Age: 4

  2. Years on the job: 2

  3. Daily commute to Bella Vista: I live here.

  4. Daily duties: Deterring mice, cheering up my coworkers.

  5. Purrsonality: Playful, high-jumper, lounger.

  6. Most memorable day on the job: When a couple visiting Philadelphia from Ohio said they saw me on Instagram, and made a special stop during their trip here just to see me.

  7. How to win me over: Any type of gentle petting, Temptations Savory Salmon treats.

  8. Dislikes: Little kids who chase me.

  9. Best feature: My pure, white coat and spirit-lifting abilities.

Mara of South Philly Bike Shop

  1. Age: 3

  2. Years on the job: 3

  3. Daily commute to East Passyunk: I live in Bristol with my dad, Dan. He might not love the 45-minute ride, but I do!

  4. Daily duties: Greeter, kid magnet, wrench stealer.

  5. Pawsonality: Happy, friendly, cuddly, a terrible guard dog.

  6. Most memorable day on the job: One day, I tugged on a kid’s jacket because he stopped petting me. I was just trying to get his attention, but he almost toppled over the gate between us. We all laughed about it.

  7. How to win me over: Belly rubs, treats of all kinds, toys (especially ones with stuffing inside).

  8. Dislikes: Chicken, and chicken-flavored anything, is the worst. Red meat only, please!

  9. Best feature: Endlessly loving and a great lap-warmer.

Pearl and Princess Buttercup of Fifth & Fitz


  1. Age: 5

  2. Years on the job: 3

  3. Daily commute to Queen Village: I live a couple of blocks away with my dads, Sean and Garrett.

  4. Daily duties: Window-watcher, companion for waiting guests.

  5. Pawsonality: Easygoing, relaxed.

  6. Most memorable day on the job: Getting my picture taken by The Philadelphia Inquirer! Princess Buttercup and I love taking photos with our fans, too.

  7. How to win me over: Food — I’m not a picky eater! I even love veggies. I’ll happily eat a carrot right out of your hand.

  8. Dislikes: I can be territorial when it comes to who hangs out with Buttercup, so I don’t always like other dogs.

  9. Best feature: Ability to calm the room.

Princess Buttercup

  1. Age: 3

  2. Years on the job: 3

  3. Daily commute to Queen Village: I live with Pearl and my dads.

  4. Daily duties: Resident lap dog — I will keep your lap warm throughout your haircut.

  5. Pawsonality: Energetic exercise addict who will play fetch at any hour, the opposite of Pearl.

  6. Most memorable day on the job: What Pearl said.

  7. How to win me over: Snuggling, any kind of ball.

  8. Dislikes: Like a true lady, I despise fart noises. Make that disgusting sound, and I will run.

  9. Best feature: My dad says I’m a good alarm clock. I’ll pull you out of bed with 7 a.m. licks and put a smile on your face.