Soaring Philly gas prices continue upward march after Biden’s ban on Russian imports
Some retailers in Pennsylvania were priced below $4.15 a gallon on Tuesday afternoon, and as low as $3.88 a gallon in South Jersey.

Fuel prices in the Philadelphia area surged again on Tuesday to record levels as world crude oil prices marched upward on continued tensions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and President Biden’s announcement that the United States would impose a ban on Russian energy imports.
The average price of a gallon of unleaded gasoline in Southeastern Pennsylvania settled at $4.40 a gallon on Tuesday, up 10 cents from Monday and up 61 cents from a week ago, according to AAA. In South Jersey, the average price was $4.24 a gallon, up 15 cents from the day before and up 65 cents for the week.
Biden warned consumers on Tuesday that prices were certain to continue rising in response to a U.S. ban on imports of Russian petroleum and gas, the latest sanctions punishing Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“We will not be part of subsidizing Putin’s war,” Biden declared. He warned Americans, however, that “defending freedom is going to cost.”
The price of a barrel of crude oil was up on Tuesday about 4%. A barrel of benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude fluctuated between $122 and $129 a barrel after closing Monday at $119.40 a barrel. The price was $89 a month ago. Crude oil is the primary raw material of gasoline and diesel.
» READ MORE: Gas prices are up. How high will they go?
Retail prices continued to move up on Tuesday, according to real-time data reported by motorists on Some dealers, including membership-only retailers such as Sam’s Club, BJ’s and Costco, were selling fuel in Philadelphia’s Pennsylvania suburbs for $4.15 or less on Tuesday afternoon. In New Jersey, some retailers were priced as low as $3.88 a gallon.