Letters to the Editor | Sept. 24, 2024
Inquirer readers on immigrants in the U.S., new homeless department head, and trouble at the Montgomery County SPCA.
New arrivals
My ancestors were immigrants. Likely, yours were too. Mine, the Kimmels, came to Pennsylvania in 1740. Several Kimmels were members of the Pennsylvania militia and fought to win our freedoms in the Revolutionary War and fought to keep them in every war since. Now a new generation of immigrants seeks freedom and a better life. They, like my ancestors and yours, will make this a better country. The Keystone State will determine the course of our nation when the Electoral College votes in 2024, so your vote is more important than most. Do not listen to the lies about millions of cutthroats storming our borders. Do not elect anyone who promises to deport the diligent workers sorely needed to make this country function.
Joseph Kimmel, Dayton, Minn.
Accessible services
I saw in The Inquirer that Mayor Cherelle L. Parker just appointed a new head of the city’s homeless department. It looks like a great choice. Project Home, which I support with donations, is the premier group providing homeless services. Founded by the Sisters of Mercy and supported by the Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia. My one suggestion is to make it easier to get services. When I visit patients at Jefferson Hospital I meet many homeless people. Two weeks ago, I called the homeless office and was told that they don’t handle the type of person I was trying to advocate for. The receptionist told me to call the police, which I did.
Rev. Stanley A. Ianieri, Philadelphia
Prevention of cruelty
Every member of the board of the Montgomery County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals — and its veterinarian — should submit his or her resignation immediately. It has taken an evil combination of incompetence and cruelty to allow the horrid conditions described by The Inquirer to exist. How could so many people ignore the words prevention of cruelty in the organization’s name? Ideally, the court should place the organization into receivership and appoint caring and competent individuals to manage its affairs.
Matthew Pettigrew, Merchantville, rmpettigrew@gmail.com
Who rescued who?
The article regarding the Montgomery County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was difficult to read. I have a 20-year-old black rescue cat. Years ago, he found a stuffed cat in my basement. Onyx would carry it in his mouth and knead it like a kitten does with his mother. When I mentioned it to the person who gave him to me, I was told that he was found when they heard him crying because he was separated from his mom. I call the stuffed animal “Mommy.” Onyx would carry her up and down the stairs, never dropping her. He cries out when he kneads her. Right now, she is by my feet looking up at me. I have two other cats, and they don’t touch her. I’m sharing this because Onyx has reinforced the necessity of adopting or fostering cats and dogs, rather than euthanizing them. He has enriched my life.
Carol L. Smith, Philadelphia
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