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PSU still can't handle the truth

Sara Ganim of the Harrisburg Patriot-News, America's Best New Journalist (TM). clinched her 2011 Pulitzer Prize today (kind of like how the 2011 Phillies clinched the NL East weeks before the season ended) with a scathing piece that essentially rips Penn State and its new-but-not-really-new administration a new one, for its continued cover-ups and obfuscations. The woman is on fire -- every paragraph of her new piece is more outrageous than the one before it, but her laundry list of questions the university refuses to answer is especially damning. Here are just a few of them -- I think the last one really sums everything up in Happy Valley:

Will Paterno teach a class, since he is still tenured faculty?

Why did a university spokeswoman say there would be a national search for a university president and soon after say Erickson would remain president?


What are the severance separation packages for Paterno and Spanier?


The university also declined to answer when asked Erickson's age.

There needs to be a total house-cleaning, but PSU is a completely closed loop, incapable of policing itself but with no virtually force in the state powerful enough or willing to control it. I don't see how this gets fixed. It probably doesn't.

(h/t Atrios)