Suffolk poll: Hillary pulls ahead of Trump in Pa.
A poll released Thursday showed Hillary Clinton with a solid lead over Donald Trump among likely Pennsylvania voters, potential cheering news for the Democrats as Clinton prepared to accept her historic nomination at the national convention.
A poll released Thursday showed Hillary Clinton with a solid lead over Donald Trump among likely Pennsylvania voters, potential cheering news for the Democrats as Clinton prepared to accept her historic nomination at the national convention.
In a head-to-head matchup in the Suffolk University survey, Clinton ran ahead of Trump, 50 percent to 41 percent, with 8 percent undecided.
With two minor party candidates included in the mix, her lead is 46 percent to 37 percent for Trump. Libertarian Gary Johnson is backed by 5 percent, with Green candidate Jill Stein pulling 3 percent.
"Hillary Clinton is flirting with 50 thanks to Philly," said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Research Center in Boston. "At this point Clinton's large lead in the Philadelphia area is offsetting losses to Trump in other parts of the state. She also is amassing the support of women and thus drowning out Trump's marginal lead among men."
In the four-way ballot test, Clinton led by 19 points among women (50 percent to 31 percent) and trailed Trump by 3 points among men (44 percent to 41 percent).
The Suffolk survey was conducted via live telephone interviews conducted July 25 to July 27. Results are based on 500 interviews with Pennsylvania registered voters who said they were certain or likely to vote in November.
Most other polls have shown the Pennsylvania race to be closer. The timing of this survey means interviews took place during the first two days of the Democratic National Convention, and could reflect a convention bounce.