Police commish Ramsey to live-tweet National Night Out events
Police Commish Ramsey to go on Twitter for National Night Out
Guess who's joining the Twitter party?
Philly Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey will hop onto the department's official Twitter handle @PhillyPolice Tuesday night to live-tweet the city's National Night Out happenings (hashtag #PhillyNNO). Click here to see the times and locations of Philly's National Night Out events.
National Night Out, now in its 29th year, was created to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for and participation in anti-crime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships and send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
Not for nothing, but the Philly police department's Twitter feed is actually pretty useful and entertaining, providing everything from details about recent crimes and road closures to photos of police brass trading goofy grins over java (it's the simple things in life, folks). So check it out.