Morning Briefing Returns
The never-ending primary is finally over, and Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee, barring any craziness at the Democratic Convention in Denver.
The never-ending primary is finally over, and Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee, barring any craziness at the Democratic Convention in Denver.
In other news, a Common Pleas Court judge struck down two of five gun control laws the city passed in defiance of the state legislature. The Nutter administration is calling it a partial victory -- we'll see how long the victory lasts once the case reaches the state Supreme Court. The court does not exactly have a long history of looking favorably on the city's attempts to buck the legislature.
It looks like City Council is likely to approve the privatization of the city's sewage processing plan, over the objection of union members. The city thinks it can save $100 million on the deal over the life of the 23-year contract. Warning: don't read this one with breakfast.
Safe and Sound is about to shut down for good, but that hasn't prevented the non-profit from offering bonuses to its employees. The bonuses are needed, Safe and Sound says, to retain employees until the final day so that the agency can wrap up unfinished business.
The city's summer recreation plans have been released. The Daily News has a short profile of new rec director Sue Slawson, formerly of the Police Athletic League.