BF Tech backs 12 more Philly-area firms
Squeezing profits from the electric grid, youth sports, online realty
- Clouldnexa, Philadelphia, Joel Davne's and MJ DiBerardino's "cloud service provider," developer of the vNOC platform, "that utilizes Amazon Web Services to assist clients in surpassing their business and IT goals" through "a simple user-friendly interface."
- GSI Health, Philadelphia, LeRoy E. Jones: "Unites patients, doctors, and payers of all kinds" to present medical data alongside "social and behavioral information from across the community so that caregivers can collaboratively manage, analyze, and engage with patients in real time."
- Houwzer, Philadelphia, Mike Maher's and Kevin Bird's Jay Minkoff-backed "full-service, tech-enabled residential real estate brokerage" that calls itself the "first commission-free listing model for home sellers." Using salaried agents, the firm claims to "generate 10x more profit than the traditional brokerage" while charging half the (locally standard 6%) total sales commission.
- Instadiagnostics, Philadelphia, Johann deSa's "point-of-care" medical-diagnositc service that promises to "bringing centralized laboratory based blood testing to the patient's bedside" via a tech platform that pledges "early diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and disease management" via doctors and clinics without extra trips for tests.
- LeagueSide, Philadelphia -- Evan Brandoff's and Zubin Teheran's digital platform that "matches youth sports organizations with sponsors," helping clients including Verizon, McDonald's and Thomas Jefferson University's concussion center target their marketing dollars to the kid teams that promise the best return.
- Polaris Health Directions, Chester County, headed by Mark Anthony, offers "Digital Behavioral Clinical Intervention," which offers "a digital clinical intervention" to cheaply and quickly diagnose "psychosocial and physical" ailments.
- Digitability, Philadelphia (formerly Autism Expressed) is Michele McKeone's online digital-literacy training program targeting people with "cognitive disabilities" to help prepare them to work.
- Loan Star Technologies, Montgomery County, Andrew Turner and Craig Haynes: Has built a system to help banks offer "instant point-of-sale consumer loans" through its MerchantLinQ and HospitalLinQ platforms.
- My MilkCrate, Philadelphia, Morgan Berman's free iOS and Android app developer helps redirect "consumer spending into the local, sustainable economy through strategic data partnerships with well-respected nonprofits."
- ROAR for Good, Philadelphia, Yasmine Mustafa: offers "fashionable self-defense wearable technology" helping women "deter attacks and instantly call for help."
- Tangent Energy Solutions, Chester County, Dean Musser: helps companies "identify and capitalize on economic opportunities on the energy grid without disrupting normal operations" through Tangent AMP, a Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) that links energy providers and users "through exclusive relationships with energy retailers" and other utilities.