#PhillyFive What We're Reading: March 12, 2015
What we're reading this morning: East Passyunk for foodies; Brand.com; misleading economic terms.
Stories from around the Web that we're reading this morning. Something for everyone.
How East Passyunk became Philadelphia's most exciting food neighborhood. The Avenue, staunchly Italian-American in spirit even as it sprints toward nouveau restaurant relevance, is defined as much by what hasn't changed as by what has. foodrepublic.com
Three reasons Mayor Nutter shouldn't build that new prison. Making prisons less necessary? That would be revolutionary. Phillymag.com
Brand.com has mysteriously disappeared. The start-up, which relocated to Center City with much fanfare, is dark. The domain is for sale. The emails are dead and the top execs are gone. What happened to the online reputation management firm? technical.ly
Ridership on public transportation down slightly across Pa., despite harsh winter and low gas prices. Keystone Crossroads/ Newsworks.org
Don't be duped by misleading economic terms. Pension contributions aren't gifts and the free market doesn't exist. David Cay Johnston
- Sam Wood