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Whatever happened to Florida?

Remember the Sunshine State? The place that turned the 2000 presidential election into one of history's longest dramas?

Remember the Sunshine State? The place that turned the 2000 presidential election into one of history's longest political dramas, so "entertaining" that it served as the basis for an Emmy-winning HBO dramatic film?

John McCain and Barack Obama seem to have forgotten about Florida this season. Sure, it's great they're spending so much time in Pennsylvania and Ohio they could qualify for residency. Obama is so at home that he pledged his support for the Phils during his Philadelphia visit Saturday, a potential political risk if Tampa Bay makes it to the World Series. As for the Red Sox or, dare we mention, the Dodgers, those teams are based in true blue states.

Yes, it's wonderful to be so popular. We love to have all these candidates hanging around and benefitting from national exposure, though it is tiring to perpetually hear the region reduced to the "rust belt." Perhaps commentators are speaking about the foliage.

Perhaps they like this region because Ohio and Pennsylvania are neighbors.  Philadelphia also gives candidate solid media exposure into three states.

The Delaware Valley isn't far from New York, where McCain plans to grovel before a ticked-off David Letterman Thursday after standing him up and unleashing a week's worth of bilious monologues. It's also close to Washington, D.C. where, correct me if I'm wrong, the two men, as well as Democratic veep candidate Joe Biden, actually hold jobs.

Scranton has become quite the political hot spot with Biden and the Clintons, both claiming heritage there, that it's become famous for more than

. It's the go-to photo op.

Are the candidates ever leaving? Are they ever heading South to Florida? Could it be that the place was such a voting nightmare the candidates are fearful of any repeats? Perhaps, with so many different media markets, Florida is  too expensive and difficult to conquer. Meanwhile, we'll just enjoy all the attention and feeling like the keystone state is the key to it all.