45 affordable summer camps for kids
How to send your kid to camp without breaking the bank

This story has been republished with permission from Billy Penn. Philadelphia Media Network and Billy Penn among 19 local news outlets partnering on Broke in Philly, a collaborative reporting project. Visit brokeinphilly.org or text us at 215-774-3212 to get involved.
Summer shouldn't be a bummer. But in Philly, where as many as 62 percent of households don't make enough to cover basic costs of living and more than a quarter of the population lives below the federal poverty line, summer break for many marks the beginning of 12 weeks of extra financial stress. For these families, the season can be harrowing — or even downright miserable. What are the kids going to do all day and how much will it cost?
Happily, several local organizations offer low-cost or free camps and programs that can benefit parents and kids alike.
Cheesy as summer camps sometimes may seem, an abundance of research has shown that singing Kumbaya around the fire, participating in cabin color wars, building mini-drones or making goofy paper–mâche creations can all be beneficial for a young person's intellectual, intrapersonal and interpersonal development.
Voluntary summer learning programs can help combat the "summer slide," and have been found to lead to better school performance and attendance the following school year. Summer camp has also been found to teach kids how to be more resilient, more confident and better communicators. For older kids and teens, who may be depended upon to help pay the bills or need to save for college, the opportunity t join as counselors or apprentices can be extremely valuable.
Where can Philly families get in on the action without forking over big bucks? We found 45 summer programs that fit the bill.
All of the camps on this list — which we split into categories of Create, Grow, Lead, Learn and Play — are either free or offer financial aid, need-based scholarships or sliding-scale fees. Some accept the state child care subsidy. Most tuitions include meals and field trips.
The list is also available in spreadsheet form here, for easy searching and printing. If you know of communities or organizations that might want to hand out hard copies, please spread the word and share the link.
Did we miss any? Send comments or info to monica@billypenn.com.
Arden Drama School
62 N. 2nd St.
Who: Playwriting Camp for grades 6-8 and 9-12.
What: Kids learn how to write and create an original play Campers in grades 6-8 work in teams of three, while older campers work in duos or go solo. Both camps feature hands-on theater games and activities that teach playwriting fundamentals.
When: The middle school session takes place Aug. 14-18, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The high school session will take place from Aug.14-25, same hours.
Cost: Financial aid and scholarship is available for qualifying campers. Contact spedings@ardentheatre.org for more information.
Asian Arts Initiative
1219 Vine St.
Who: Students entering grades 5-9.
What: Photos from past sessions suggest campers will enjoy a plethora of arts and crafts, as well as music-making and playing sessions, and field trips.
When: Jul. 9 to Aug. 17, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Cost: Sliding-scale tuition fees and pay-what-you-can fees, based on need. Contact info@asianartsinitiative.org, julia@asianartsinitiative.org or jino@asianartsinitiative.org for info.
Fleisher Art Memorial
719 Catherine St.
Who: Ages 5-18.
What: A no-frills, full-immersion art camp, with workshops that focus specifically on cultivating the skills needed to create different forms of visual and tactical art.
When: Five week-long sessions, spanning Jun. 25 to Aug. 3, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Half- and full-day options available.
Cost: Tuition assistance for qualifying workshop attendees. Contact dmercier@fleisher.org for more information.
Girls Rock Philly
1428 Germantown Ave.
Who: Youth Rock Camp for ages 9-12, Teen Rock Camp for ages 13-19. The website specifies that enrollment is open for "girls, trans and gender variant youth."
What: Campers will form bands and will write one song collaboratively. This task is accompanied and aided by instrument instruction, band practice, a showcase, a day in the recording studio and songwriting and improvisation workshops. Campers will also attend a workshop in self-defense.
When: Youth Rock Camp is Jul. 16-22, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Teen Rock Camp is Jul. 9-15, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cost: Sliding-scale tuition fees for all campers, based on need. Contact camp@girlsrockphilly.org for more information.
Kensington Creative & Performing Arts High School
1910 N. Front St.
Who: Public school students entering grades 9-11.
What: Students will be exposed to various dance genres, including jazz, ballet and modern, taught by local dance professionals and university professors. No experience needed.
When: Jun. 25-29, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Cost: Free for all participants. Contact bstolzfus@paballet.org for more information.
Mural Arts
Multiple locations
Who: Multiple programs for multiple youth age ranges.
What: Mural Arts' Art Education programs give Philly students the opportunity to: "work with locally, nationally and internationally known artists, contribute to major public art projects, develop creative portfolios and showcase artwork exhibitions, and apply to scholarships, internships and jobs in the creative sector." Each program offered is different, with some honing in on "artpreneurship" skills, while others fine-tune the foundations of drawing, painting, mixed media and mural making. All are year-round.
When: Multiple programs with different dates and times.
Cost: Affordable or free programming offered, depending on the program. Contact jessica.im@muralarts.org or arted@muralarts.org for more information.
700 N. 3rd St.
Who: Ages 4-12.
What: Each week at NLArts camp, campers will be immersed in different art mediums, such as mural making, filmmaking and working on musical projects. Camp includes field trips to museums and galleries.
When: August 6-24, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Extended care until 5:30 p.m.
Cost: Sliding-scale tuition fees for qualifying campers. Contact nlartsorg@gmail.com for more information.
Rock to the Future
2139 E. Cumberland St.
Who: Guitarstars for ages 7-12. Rock*A*Delphia for ages 13-17.
What: Learn how to play guitar, bass guitar or keyboard. Older kids have the added bonus of learning how to play the drums. Both camps are for youth from a variety of musical backgrounds and levels, including those without experience. Campers will form bands, and play and write their own music, take part in creative workshops, sing in the choir and watch a variety of performances.
When: Guitarstars will run from Jul. 9-13, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rock*A*Delphia will run from Jul. 23-27, same hours. There is early drop off and late pick up available.
Cost: Free for qualifying campers. Contact Josh@RocktotheFuture.org for more information.
Saint Peter’s Church Chorister Academy
313 Pine St.
Who: For children who love to sing, ages 7-12.
What: Campers receive classical repertoire instruction twice a day, particularly on breathing techniques, vowel formation, choral tone, sight singing, intonation and music theory. Campers will also be exposed to drama and art classes daily.
When: Jun. 25-29, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Cost: Sliding-scale tuition fees for qualifying campers. Contact roland@stpetersphila.org for more information.
Spells Writing Lab
1425 N. 2nd St.
Who: Five camp sessions for ages 7-12. One camp session for ages 12-16.
What: Each themed session has a different prompt for campers to reflect upon and write about. Field trips and additional workshops and activities will center around these themes. For ages 7-12, there are multiple themes. For the older campers, their one week-long session is designed around the following prompt: "What are the most important issues facing you, your peers, your community, and our society? Become part of the solution by writing and filming an engaging public service ad that will focus attention on your chosen topic and, possibly, change people's perspectives on it."
When: For ages 7-12, week-long camp sessions span Jul. 9 through Aug. 3. For older campers, the session is from Jun. 25-29. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for both age groups.
Cost: Free for all campers. Contact info@phillyspells.org for more information.
Yes! And… Collaborative Arts
21 W. Washington Ln.
Who: Imagination Camp is for elementary school students. Summer Theatre Camp is for middle school students. Shadow Fringe Camp is for high school students. Summer Sort of Thing is for middle and high school students.
What: This camp is for all children and teens with an "artistic itch." Each performing arts camp delves deeper into craft and skillsets as age groups progress.
When: Dates vary depending on age group and session.
Cost: Sliding-scale tuition fees and scholarship opportunities for qualifying campers. Contact info@yesandcamp.org for more information.
Camp Jamison
538 Emery Rd, Dingmans Ferry.
Who: Campers entering grade 3-11.
What: The idea behind Camp Jamison is to give all campers — regardless of their economic, racial or religious background — a chance to experience the quintessential, all-American, outdoorsy, sleepaway experience. The founder is from Philly and has a soft spot for her city's children. Activities available include campfires, hiking, arts & crafts, canoeing & kayaking, swimming, songs, orienteering and nature.
When: Jul. 16-20.
Cost: Sliding-scale tuition fees for qualifying campers. For older youth, CIT and Junior counselor programs are available. Contact nshirk@campjamisoncorp.org for more information.
Camp Kesem
740 Saginaw Rd, Oxford.
Who: Ages 6-16.
What: Camp Kesem is a nationwide program dedicated to supporting children through their guardian's cancer, whether that be a guardian that was lost due to cancer, a guardian who is undergoing treatment or a guardian who is a survivor. The day is chock-full of the usual camp shenanigans (i.e. lots of singing), but includes programming that "provides the foundation for confidence building, improved communication, enhanced life outlook and attitude." Camp Kesem in Philadelphia is hosted by the University of Pennsylvania.
When: Aug.12-18.
Cost: Free for all campers. Contact info@kesem.org or abi@kesem.org for more information.
College Settlement
600 Witmer Rd., Horsham
Who: Ages 7-14.
What: An overnight camp with the mission of offering a safe, nurturing and fun summertime experience for all Philly children, regardless of economic circumstance. At College Settlement, kids will "learn to appreciate and respect the environment, each other and themselves." Days are jam-packed with activities sure to poop out even the most hyper-energetic kid, offering favorites such as: creek crawling, fishing, hiking, gardening, boating, biking, climbing, basketball, soccer, rugby, soft ball, hay rides, dancing, reading, games, rope course, and themed days (the most popular being Pirate Day).
When: Multiple sessions with different dates and times.
Cost: Affordable programming with financial assistance available for qualifying campers. There are both overnight and day camp options available (keep in mind that campgrounds are located in Horsham). Contact camps@collegesettlement.org for more information.
Dragonfly Forest
143 Nichecronk Rd, Dingmans Ferry.
Who: Depends on the session, but overall serves youth ages 7-25.
What: Just like any other overnight camp, with challenging outdoor adventures, plenty of crafting and bonding moments, but with programming is specially designed for children and teens with autism, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, persistent asthma, sickle cell disease or hemophilia. Campers will be encouraged to be independent, curious and self-reliant within a safe environment.
When: Multiple sessions with different dates, ages, times and disease specialties, as well as a Teen Leadership Program.
Cost: Scholarships and payment plans available for qualifying campers. Contact dragonflyforest@philaymca.org for more information.
Journey’s End Farm
124 Templin Rd, Glenmoore.
Who: Ages 7-12.
What: At this family farm, campers experience a warm and welcoming sleepaway environment, with "classic camp" offerings mixed with farm lifestyle skills and chores. These include: working with animals, singing, swimming, game time, story time and more. Though Journey's End Farm is based on Quaker values— therefore offering daily Meeting in the morning — it welcomes campers of all faith, race, gender, nationality and economic backgrounds.
When: Four two-week long sessions, spanning from Jun. 24 through Aug. 18.
Cost: Tuition assistance available for qualifying campers. Contact camp@journeysendfarm.org for more information.
Philadelphia Youth Network
400 Market St.
Who: Young people ages 12-21.
What: Less of a summer camp and more of an "educationally-enriched" work opportunity summer program. Even though work may not be as fun as camp, the program teaches youth marketable skills, helps them to complete high school via credit attainment and sets them up for success once they go to college or join the "real world" workforce. Internships are generally available for youth ages 16-21, while younger participants have the opportunity to enroll in career exposure (job shadowing) or service-learning models.
When: Summer WorkReady opportunities have multiple start and end dates. All participants are required to complete the six-week (120 hour) paid work experience.
Cost: N/A. Contact youth@pyninc.org for more information.
Young Chances Foundation
1201 S. 30th St.
Who: Ages 4-13
What: Outdoor games, community service projects, career day, swimming, mentoring and field trips. Young Chances Foundation's summer camp has a little bit of everything to offer its campers an academically and socially enriching experience.
When: Jul. 2 through Aug. 10.
Cost: $80 for the duration of camp, which includes breakfast, lunch, snack and swimming. Contact (267) 585-2YCF.
Camp Sojourner
801 S. 48th St.
Who: Girls ages 8-16.
What: An overnight girl's leadership camp, which focuses on "team-building, leadership development, self-expression through creative arts, and the appreciation of nature." Activities at Camp Sojourner include: swimming, boating, hiking, campfires, archery, climbing walls, singing, dancing, drawing, painting, drumming, acting, sewing, photography and woodworking.
When: Jul. 30 through Aug. 4.
Cost: Sliding-scale tuition fees for all campers. 17-18-year-old girls can apply to work as junior counselors. Contact info@girlsleadershipcamp.org for more information.
Center for Aquatic Sciences
1 Riverside Dr., Camden, NJ
Who: Students entering grades 9-12.
What: A program where high schoolers can shadow a marine biologist or zoologist for the day at Adventure Aquarium.
When: Multiple day-long sessions throughout the summer.
Cost: $60. Contact shadow@aquaticsciences.org for more information.
Episcopal Community Services
Multiple Locations
Who: Out of School Time is for elementary and middle-school aged children. Seeing Youth Succeed is for youth aged 14-18.
What: Academic enrichment and leadership programs offered year-round.
When: Year-round. Times and dates vary depending on the program and school calendar.
Cost: Affordable programs. Contact robertp@ecsphilly.org or christianh@ecsphilly.org for more information.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
Multiple Locations
Who: Multiple programs for multiple youth age ranges.
What: You don't need to be a Girl Scout to participate in one of GSEP's four overnight camps or its three day camps. Each overnighter has a different theme. Camp Laughing Waters is for horse lovers, Camp Mosey Wood is for thrill seekers, Camp Shelley Ridge is for "glamping," and Camp Wood Haven is for animal lovers (horses are in this campground too).
When: Multiple programs with different dates and times.
Cost: Sliding-scale tuition fees for qualifying campers. "Campership" opportunities available. Contact lkochis@gsep.org for more information.
Independence Seaport Museum
211 S. Christopher Columbus Blvd.
Who: High school students.
What: "River Ambassadors" will learn about Philadelphia's surrounding rivers and waters and why and how to protect them. Past ambassadors have "demonstrated Citizen Science Lab programs for the public, participated in on-water activities, conducted daily water testing in our boat basin, cared for our floating wetlands, and spent time in Spruce Street Harbor Park demonstrating how anyone can take small steps to care for our environment."
When: Jun. 25 to Sep. 3.
Cost: N/A. Paid stipend for participants. Contact mmajowicz@phillyseaport.org for more information.
The Business of Doing Good
2300 Chestnut St.
Who: Middle school students.
What: Children are given an engaging curriculum that helps them learn the how-tos of social entrepreneurship. It includes workshops on idea generation and exposure, project determination and market research, resilience and determination, creating business plans, social media and funding, and presentations and pitching.
When: Jun. 25-29, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Aug. 13-17, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Cost: Scholarship opportunities available. Contact thebusinessofdoinggood@gmail.com for more information.
Women in Natural Sciences
1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.
Who: WINS I is for girls entering grade 9. WINS II is for girls who have completed WINS I and have not yet gone to college.
What: The enrichment program has been sharpening young women's mathematics and science skills, encouraging confidence and introducing them to STEM careers and professions since Academy of Natural Sciences' founding in 1982.
When: WINS I is a year-long program. It begins in the summer, offering issue-based science classes, field trips and projects. The summer session concludes with a camping trip to the Poconos. In the summer, participants meet three times a week. During the school year, participants meet once-a-week. WINS II meets twice a month throughout the year for field trips or workshops.
Cost: Free for all students. Contact kain@ansp.org for more information.
ASAP After School Activities Partnerships
1600 W. Norris Ave.
Who: Middle and high-school aged youth.
What: Designed for new and novice debaters. Students will learn the style of public forum debate and will research and develop arguments in teams. Field trips related to their cases will be offered. At the end of camp, participants go head-to-head at a two-day tournament.
When: Jul. 23 through Aug. 3, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Cost: Free for all campers. Contact rtischler@phillyasap.org for more information.
Discovery Camp
222 N. 20th St.
Who: Mini Molecules (grades K-2), Awesome Atoms (grades 3-6) and Excited Electrons (grades 7-9).
What: The Franklin Institute created a great Survival Guide for parents that gives a general idea of what the camp offers. Each age group is exposed to hands-on science learning activities, but as they progress throughout the camp and in grade level, learning gets deeper and more challenging.
When: Mini Molecules, Awesome Atoms and Excited Electrons have different dates and themes for their sessions, but camp days all end at 4 p.m.
Cost: Scholarships available for qualifying campers. Contact guestservices@fi.edu for more information.
Free Library of Philadelphia
Multiple Locations
Who: Multiple programs for multiple youth age ranges.
What: A variety of enticing and valuable free activities, workshops and programs for youth of all ages. Summer Thyme Cooks, for example, is a four-part cooking program for children entering grades 5-7 every Wednesday in August from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Teen Summer Thyme Cooks is for youth entering grades 8 to 12, every Thursday in August from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. A more traditional day camp available at multiple library branches is Camp Play and Learn, a two-week camp starting on Aug. 6 for students entering grades 1-3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
When: Multiple programs with different dates and times.
Cost: Free for all participants. Contact GerzA@freelibrary.org for more information.
GSK Science in the Summer
Multiple Locations
Who: Students entering grades 2-6.
What: The theme of 2018's program is "The Science of Space," which entails active, hands-on learning where students will explore the basics of astronomy.
When: Multiple programs with different dates and times.
Cost: Free for all campers. Contact dfahres@fi.edu for more information,
Immersion Science
4261 N. 5th St.
Who: Students finishing grades 9-12.
What: Students will take part in a five-day "FlyLab" curriculum, which essentially gives them the chance to become genetic research scientists for the week. They'll be able to observe the stages of fruit fly development, see how experiments are performed in real-world cancer research labs, learn how to measure via "micropipetting," make their own grape juice plates and more.
When: Dates for 2018's week-long session have not yet been posted, but camp will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Cost: $25. Refunded after successful completion of the program. Contact ecinfo@eastern.edu for more information.
Multiple Locations
Who: Multiple programs for multiple youth age ranges.
What: Created to teach kids about robotics, coding, sensors, 3D design, physics, statistics, green energy and other forms of modern technology. There are campuses in Center City and on the Main Line.
When: Multiple programs with different dates and times.
Cost: Scholarships available for qualifying campers. Visit the website for more information.
Mighty Writers
Multiple Locations
Who: Multiple programs for multiple youth age ranges, spanning from ages 7-17.
What: The mission of Mighty Writers is to teach kids how to think and write with clarity through a myriad of creative and motivating workshops and class sessions, year-round.
When: Multiple programs with different dates and times.
Cost: Free for all students. Contact hello@mightywriters.org for more information.
Philadelphia Writing Project
3700 Walnut St.
Who: Project Write and GAME ON! are for middle-school aged children. Humor Writing Summer Camp is for high-school aged youth.
What: Project Write, in collaboration with Independence National Historical Park, allows students to simultaneously explore the city's history while immersed in writing, digital and art workshops. GAME ON! challenges middle schoolers to learn "at the intersection of science, literacy, gaming and making." Humor Writing Summer Camp is a two-week humor writing workshop.
When: Dates and times for day camps and out-of-school time programs vary depending on the session and age group.
Cost: Scholarships available for interested students. Contact mmanni@gse.upenn.edu or philwp@gse.upenn.edu for more information.
Young Achievers Learning Center
Multiple locations
Who: Elementary-aged children.
What: Young Achievers Learning Center Camp doesn't just focus on academics — though it may suggest so in the name — it also offers sports, music, drama, arts & crafts, technology sessions and field trips. The camp emphasizes non-competitive activities and confidence-building learning approaches, to remove the stresses that the "academic, athletic and social competition shapes in their lives at school."
When: Jun. 26 through Aug. 11, from 7 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.
Cost: Affordable programming. Scholarship opportunities available. Visit the website for more information.
Camp Garrett
395 Bishop Hollow Rd, Newton Square.
Who: Ages 5-15.
What: This 240-acre historic farm and campground in Newton Square offers ten themed weeks, featuring pool time, nature and outdoor activities, cooperative games, sports, arts, archery, tomahawk-throwing, garden activities and special events (depending on the week's theme). 13-15-year-olds are considered "Leaders In Training," and may have different duties and programming while at camp.
When: 10 week-long sessions, spanning Jun. 18 to Aug. 24. Times vary.
Cost: Scholarships available for qualifying campers. Contact director@campgarrett.org for more information.
Caring People Alliance
Multiple Locations
Who: Ages 5-13, grades K-8 for "school-aged" summer programming. Ages 14-18, grades 9-12 for "teen" summer programming.
What: Summer camp for "school-aged" children provides field trips, art classes, computer classes, sports and physical education, life skills and cultural events. Summer camp for "teens" provides mentoring, tutoring, computer technology classes and community service projects.
When: Multiple programs with different dates and times.
Cost: Affordable or free programming. Contact calston@caringpeoplealliance.org for more information.
Diversified Community Services
Multiple Locations
Who: Grades K-6.
What: A "funducational" day camp experience, where students are kept occupied with a balance of academic and extracurricular activities. Along with weekly field trips, daily extracurriculars include: swimming, sports, dance, karate, golf, and arts and crafts.
When: Dates and times of sessions depend on the location where they are being held: Dixon Learning Academy, Western Learning Center or Stephen Girard Elementary.
Cost: $25. Visit the website for more information.
Parent Infant Center
4205 Spruce St.
Who: Grades K-5.
What: Each week, children can expect programming related to a different theme. Some themes include "Artful Antics," "Wind and Water," "Goin' Green," "Philly Phun!" and "Imaginarium." All sessions offer campers a chance at water play, play at neighborhood parks, visits to museums and cultural institutions, and field trips.
When: 10 week-long sessions, spanning Jun. 18 to Aug. 22, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cost: Tuition assistance available for qualifying campers. Accepts subsidy. Contact gpiana@parentinfantcenter.org for more information.
Philadelphia City Rowing
1 Kelly Dr.
Who: Students entering grades 7-12. They must be enrolled in either a Philadelphia Public school or a Philadelphia Charter school.
What: Depending on your level, camp sessions offer learn-to-row, recreational or competitive rowing programs. Philadelphia City Rowing also incorporates nutrition education, mentoring, enrichment, swimming and academic support throughout the camp day.
When: Middle school camps are week-long sessions, offered Jul. 9-13 and Jul. 30 to Aug. 3, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. High school camps are two week-long sessions, offered Jul. 16-27 and Aug. 6-17, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Cost: Free for all campers. Contact info@philadelphiacityrowing.org for more information.
Philadelphia Parks & Recreation
Multiple Locations
Who: Multiple programs for multiple youth age ranges.
What: There are over 125 neighborhood day camps throughout the city, with the general offerings of arts & crafts, sports, educational activities, games and field trips. Some camps are themed, special-interest or serve children and adults with disabilities. Camp Philly, for example, is a one-week overnight camp in the Pocono Mountains.
When: Multiple programs with different dates and times.
Cost: Affordable or free programming. Scholarship availability. Contact Alain.Joinville@phila.gov for more information.
Philadelphia Youth Basketball
Multiple Locations
Who: Different weeks are for different age groups, generally ranging from grades 4-12.
What: A college campus-based program, with week-long sessions at Jefferson University, Chesnut Hill College, St. Joseph's University, Temple University and LaSalle University. There, campers can expect basketball skill-building and competition, academic enrichment and support, leadership and character development, and health and nutrition.
When: Seven week-long sessions spanning Jun. 18 to Aug. 8. Times vary.
Cost: Scholarship opportunities available. Contact info@phillyyouthbasketball.org
Police Athletic League
Multiple Locations
Who: Multiple programs for multiple youth age ranges.
What: PAL programs help reduce crime, promote positive character development and improve educational outcomes for Philly children in twenty different locations. Multiple athletic and educational experiences are available, year-round and/or during the summer.
When: Multiple programs with different dates and times.
Cost: Free for all participants. Contact info@phillypal.org for more information.
3890 N. 10th St.
Who: Grades 6-12.
What: Fuses squash and academics while maintaining a "5 Pillars of Programming" model. The pillars are: academic support, squash instruction, fitness & nutrition, personal achievement and leadership.
When: Jul. 9 to Aug. 10. Times vary.
Cost: Affordable programming. Contact scott@squashsmarts.org for more information.
Starfinder Foundation
4015 Main St.
Who: Ages 6-14.
What: Soccer camp where you can make friends and escape the heat at an indoor facility.
When: Three week-long sessions, spanning from Jul. 9-27. Times vary.
Cost: Affordable. Pay-what-you-can and sliding-scale fees available. Contact craig@starfinderfoundation.org for more information.
Zhang Sah Martial Arts
530 Bainbridge St.
Who: Summer Day Camp for ages 4-12. MOSTSPORTS+ for ages 12-14.
What: Martial arts classes, swimming, weekly trips, fencing and project-based learning.
When: Dates unavailable on the website. Summer Day Camp is from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with free extended daycare from 4 to 6 p.m. MOSTSPORTS+ is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Cost: Tuition assistance available for qualifying campers. Accepts subsidy. Contact info@zhangsah.org for more information.
Philadelphia Media Network is one of 19 news organizations producing Broke in Philly a collaborative reporting project on solutions to poverty and the city's push towards economic justice. Read more at: https://brokeinphilly.org or follow @BrokeInPhilly