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The Roxy screening ‘The Interview’ starting New Year’s Day

It’s been a long and embattled path to the silver screen for Seth Rogen/James Franco vehicle "The Interview," with Sony canceling its premiere before allowing a limited release on Christmas Day. Now, though, you can see "The Interview" right here in Philly thanks to the PFS Theater at the Roxy.

It's been a long and embattled path to the silver screen for Seth Rogen/James Franco vehicle The Interview, with Sony canceling its premiere before allowing a limited release on Christmas Day. Now, though, you can see The Interview right here in Philly thanks to the PFS Theater at the Roxy.

The Roxy will be among the first theaters in the area to show the film beginning on New Year's Day at 11 p.m. Following that initial screening, the Roxy will show The Interview every night at 11 p.m. through Jan. 8.

But with The Interview having now arrived to a theater near you, the question still remains: Do you want to see it? Rotten Tomatoes, after all, scores the film at a mere 52 percent, which reflects the generally unfavorable reviews that have come out in The Interview's wake.

However, other critics, including The Inquirer's Tirdad Derakhshani, have call the film "genuinely crazy-funny," and it did pull in more than $15 million online. So, in that sense, whether the level of hype around The Interview was accurate is up to you. If the digital box office isn't your thing, now's your chance.

For those who haven't followed the case, The Interview follows a couple of TV talk show men (Rogen and Franco) into North Korea as they secure an interview with Kim Jong-Un. However, plans get derailed when the CIA enlists the pair to assassinate the North Korean ruler.

Tickets for the Roxy's screenings of The Interview run $12 and are available here. Streaming the film via YouTube costs $6, and you can do that right here.