Ms. Tootsie's founder on a roll
KEVEN Parker, 46, of Overbrook Farms, owns Ms. Tootsie's Restaurant Bar Lounge on South Street near 13th. Parker has been expanding his brand to a home-furnishings store, a boutique hotel and, most recently, a soul-food cafe at Reading Terminal Market. Parker calls it the KDP experience.

KEVEN Parker, 46, of Overbrook Farms, owns Ms. Tootsie's Restaurant Bar Lounge on South Street near 13th. Parker has been expanding his brand to a home-furnishings store, a boutique hotel and, most recently, a soul-food cafe at Reading Terminal Market. Parker calls it the KDP experience.
Q: You started with a catering business. How did things evolve?
A: I always wanted to open up a restaurant and name it after my mother. We grew up in a housing project in West Philadelphia for the first seven years of my life, and she was the neighborhood cook.
Q: Your mother, who was known as "Ms. Tootsie," was also your business partner?
A: She was my partner, confidant and best friend and taught me not to take anything for granted or become content.
Q: When you opened Ms. Tootsie's in 1999, things were different on South Street.
A: I was discouraged from coming here. It was desolate. My mother didn't want me to give up my six-figure salary at Comcast, and she wanted me to have stability. But I knew it could work. About a week later, my mom came to me and gave me a check. We both used cash from our 401(k)s and that's how we got our first building.
Q: What's the KDP experience?
A: You have to reinvent yourself or you'll become stagnant. The lifestyle store came from my love of interior design and home furnishings. I call it KDP Lifestyle - it's reflective of the things I get and put in my home or restaurant. So the [KDP] experience is eat, drink, sleep and shop. It's having everything at one destination.
Q: Who comes to Ms. Tootsie's?
A: I get young people on dates, senior citizens that live around the corner who come every Thursday or Friday for fish. When I first opened, our customer base was about 99 percent African-American. Today, it's about 65 percent and 35 percent others.
Q: What's next for the KDP brand?
A: I just finished taping episodes for a reality-TV show. That's going to premiere this fall on a popular network, but I can't discuss it yet. We're still trying to wrap up the negotiations.
Q: What's the TV show about?
A: It's about me, my restaurant, how I run the business, a day in the life of Ms. Tootsie's.
Q: What were the total employees and revenues for 2012?
A: We currently have 38 employees, and nine of them are between the ages of 16 and 21 who are part of our youth and young-adult division. Revenues were over $1 million, but less than $5 million.
Q: Tell me about your charitable work.
A: It's called Spread the Love. Once a month, we go around the city and give $1,000 to help people out. Give back and pay it forward. We also have a program, and we've given away 37 scholarships - $1,000 per student per year - and we've seen 15 students we helped graduate college. We do about four to six a year.