Sideshow: Trump visits the auld home
Tycoon Donald Trump explored his roots with a visit to his late mother's house in the village of Tong on the remote Isle of Lewis in Scotland yesterday. Trump's mum, Mary Anne MacLeod, and his dad, Frederick Trump, who wed in 1936, met while she was on holiday in New York. "I was here many, many years ago with my mother as a young child and I haven't been back since," the Donald said, according to the Daily Mail of London.

Donald Trump
explored his roots with a visit to his late mother's house in the village of Tong on the remote Isle of Lewis in Scotland yesterday. Trump's mum,
Mary Anne MacLeod
, and his dad,
Frederick Trump
, who wed in 1936, met while she was on holiday in New York. "I was here many, many years ago with my mother as a young child and I haven't been back since," the Donald said, according to the Daily Mail of London.
The Donald, who was accompanied by his sis, Maryanne Trump Barry, 71, a federal appeals court judge, said he wants to invest in the island.
Trump made his heartwarming visit en route to Aberdeen, where he is to appear before an inquiry board investigating his controversial $2 billion golf course development. So was the whole thing just a PR stunt? "Zero," Trump said. "We were flying in, and I said this was the right time to come."A girl for Dark Angel
Who could have thought that the lovely killer, Dark Angel, would ever become a mom?
Jessica Alba's rep yesterday said the 27-year-old Eye star gave birth to a baby girl, Honor Marie Warren, on Saturday. This is the first baby for Alba (above) and hubby Cash Warren, 31. (The couple wed May 19 at the Beverly Hills courthouse.) Alba seems aware of the dialectic involved in her maternal responsibilities. "I don't want to be my child's best friend. I want to be a mom," she told Fit Pregnancy mag. "But I do want my child to come to me when they have problems and need to talk, so it's going to be about treading that line."
Wuorinen? 'Brokeback Mountain'?!
When the project was rumored, many in the opera community thought it was a joke. Though considered one of the great living composers, the atonal modernist
Charles Wuorinen
seemed like a highly unlikely candidate for
Brokeback Mountain
. . . the opera. Nonetheless, the New York City Opera announced that Wuorinen will indeed adapt the
Annie Proulx
short story and
Ang Lee
film for the New York City Opera's 2013 spring season. The story is about two pre-gay liberation Wyoming ranch hands who have a clandestine 20-year relationship. Wuorinen, now 70, also wrote
Haroun and the Sea of Stories
, based on a novel by Salman Rushdie, for the New York City Opera.
- David Patrick Stearns
Mitchell: D'oh! Sorry
MSNBC anchor
Andrea Mitchell
yesterday apologized for calling southwest Virginia "real redneck" country last Thursday on the air. Mitchell blurted out the offense while discussing the image that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee
Barack Obama
and Sen.
Mark Warner
(D., Va.) presented as they visited the region.
"This is real redneck, sort of . . . um, bordering on Appalachia country. This is not the northern Virginia, sort of, high-tech corridor. These are not voters [Obama] would logically be gravitating to," Mitchell said on Thursday.
"I owe an apology to the good people of Bristol, Va., for something stupid that I said," she said yesterday.
Wallace recuperates
Legendary news giant
Mike Wallace
may finally retire from TV, suggests U.S. News & World Report, which reports that the 90-year-old
60 Minutes
correspondent has been hospitalized after he had a fall in his New York pad. The fall compounds other health issues: Wallace had triple-bypass surgery in January.
"He's doing really well," says his son Chris Wallace, who adds that his father plans to recuperate in time for his summer jaunt at Martha's Vineyard.
Snoop lays it out for newlyweds
Looks like
Snoop Dogg
, who has three children, is tired of sitting by as his newly-wed pals,
Beyoncé Knowles
, continue not to have kids. "I told them to go home and make babies," he said Sunday at the Dodge Celebrity Event, a motoring outing in Rosamond, Calif. Snoop, who was the marriage counselor to the pharaohs in a past life, says the key to a long marriage is "communication, and being able to fight and get back up."
Trouble for troubled child Winehouse
"I don't want to play anything down, but I'm the least racist person going." So said Brit blueswoman
Amy Winehouse
, who yesterday apologized for uttering strings and strings of racial epithets in a party video recorded sometime last year by her now-incarcerated hubby,
Blake Fielder-Civil
. The vid, which was leaked on Sunday by News of the World, has Amy and another woman singing racial slurs to the tune of the kid's song, "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes."
Kate spills the beans - not
On his radio show,
Kate Hudson
yesterday told
Ryan Seacrest
, on the QT, that when it comes to questions about her love life - which may, or may not, involve a certain lean, mean,
Seven-Time Tour de France-Winning Stud
- she will never,
, talk to the press.
"The No. 1 thing I've learned is [that] to discuss those things only causes more problems. Everything's always misconstrued, so it's better to just let people speculate."
Witticism du jour
There was much hilarity Sunday at the TV Land Awards ceremony when iconic singer
Lionel Richie
, who was being awarded the Icon award, made a crack about his celebutante daughter,
Nicole Richie
, best known as
Paris Hilton's
"Forget about surviving 40 years in the music business," he said. "Just surviving 27 years of Nicole . . . has been a struggle-and-a-half, I want to tell you. I stand here as a survivor, I want you to know, for all the parents out there."