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Bill designed to give cops a heads-up

OK, people, let's all just relax. City Councilmen Bill Greenlee and Darrell Clarke nearly caused a panic in certain circles last month when they sponsored a bill that would've required promoters to get permits one month before every event they host, and submit security and alcohol-management plans.

OK, people, let's all just relax.

City Councilmen Bill Greenlee and Darrell Clarke nearly caused a panic in certain circles last month when they sponsored a bill that would've required promoters to get permits one month before every event they host, and submit security and alcohol-management plans.

A kinder, gentler version of the so-called "Promoter Bill" will be introduced to Council's Committee of Licenses and Inspections tomorrow.

The amended bill calls for establishments with maximum capacities of 50 or more to notify the Police Department two weeks in advance if a promoter or outside operator is going to be in charge of maintaining security and the legal occupancy limit during an event, said Noelle Marconi, Greenlee's legislative director.

The bill also will require promoters to register with the city and have a current business- privilege license, Marconi said.

The overarching aim of the bill is to give police adequate notice of large gatherings before they occur.