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New sick-day proposal passes a Council test

A BILL REQUIRING all city employers to provide paid sick leave was smacked down by Mayor Nutter in June, but another plan received City Council committee approval yesterday.

A BILL REQUIRING all city employers to provide paid sick leave was smacked down by Mayor Nutter in June, but another plan received City Council committee approval yesterday.

The Committee on Commerce and Economic Development approved Councilman Wilson Goode Jr.'s bill, which would require the city and employers with city contracts, funding or leases to provide up to seven earned sick days a year. The bill would be a part of the living-wage and benefits law.

Goode's plan comes after a sick-leave measure by Councilmen Bill Greenlee and Darrell Clarke died when they couldn't get the votes to override Nutter's veto. The mayor had described that bill as "laudable" but said it would adversely affect businesses.

Goode says his bill affects fewer employers, although he does not know whether Nutter might still veto it. Goode said he thinks Council recognizes the differences between the previous bill and his plan, noting that he has nine co-sponsors.

To override a mayoral veto, Goode would need 12 votes. Asked whether he could get those votes, Goode said he was working on it.

"This bill only applies to those people who receive city money or support after July 1, 2012," Goode said. "So if people don't want to be covered by the bill, then they simply shouldn't seek that assistance from the city."

Those subject to the bill include public agencies receiving contracts for $10,000 or more from the city, city financial-aid recipients, recipients of city leases, concessions, franchises, city subcontractors that employ more than 25 workers, nonprofit service contractors receiving more than $100,000, and for-profit service contractors receiving $10,000 or more a year with annual gross receipts of more than $1 million.

Council will likely vote on the bill next Thursday.

City Finance Director Rob Dubow warned that the measure would be costly to the city, having an impact on contracting responsibilities and job-creation while possibly shrinking the pool of contractors.

Advocates stressed the need for a bill that supports working families.