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Camden Council reintroduces current-year budget

Camden City Council reintroduced a municipal budget yesterday afternoon that depends on a $10.5 million infusion of state aid that the Corzine administration has not yet agreed to pay.

The $178.3 million budget, which covers the fiscal year from last July to June 30, was reintroduced yesterday because the original spending plan offered last August was short by about $14 million. Discrepancies were corrected over the last few months by state financial officials.

The city hopes that by the time Council members vote on the budget on June 17, the state will add $10.5 million to the $125 million in aid it already provides.

Council President Angel Fuentes said part of Camden's revenue shortfall was due to the high number of nonprofits in the city that are not taxed. Activist Kelly Francis disagreed, saying Council approves too many 30-year tax abatements for residential developments. "You're giving out tax breaks like lollipops in the city of Camden," he said.

- Matt Katz