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Outspoken Chris Christie silent about Trump's lewd comments

Normally outspoken New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has remained silent on the 2005 video, which shows Trump alongside former "Access Hollywood" host Billy Bush talking brashly and graphically about his desire to kiss and grope women.

In the video, Trump is heard describing attempts to have sex with a married woman. He also brags about women letting him kiss and grab them because he is famous.

"When you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything," Trump says in the previously unaired comments. He adds seconds later: "Grab them by the p----. You can do anything."

Christie, arriving at Trump Tower in New York City Saturday afternoon wearing a Mets hoodie, refused to speak to reporters about Trump's comments. He spent the day helping the candidate prepare for Sunday's presidential debate, playing the role of Hillary Clinton, according to the Washington Post.

Earlier this week, Trump was quick to shoot-down the need to prepare for the debate, telling a New Hampshire crowd the 2-minute countdown clock on stage had "nothing to do with Sunday."

"Forget debate prep - give me a break," Trump said to the Sandown crowd as Christie stood by his side.

Christie, who has two daughters, has been a prominent supporter of Trump since ending his own presidential campaign during the Republican primaries, a move that has created a fair share of mockery for the New Jersey governor to endure.

Christie's silence isn't preventing other prominent New Jersey Republicans from speaking out. Christie's own lieutenant governor, Kim Guadagno, slammed Trump on Twitter after receiving a request to comment by Daily Journal editor Jason Alt.

"No apology can excuse away Mr. Trump's reprehensible comments degrading women," Guadagno wrote Saturday afternoon. "We're raising my 3 boys to be better than that."

In an column written for the Star-Ledger, former Republican New Jersey governor Christie Todd Whitman formally endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

"A Hillary presidency promises more of the Obama failed policies, but she would at least walk into the oval office ready to govern," Whitman wrote. "She would be a steady hand on the nuclear code and she demonstrated a willingness to work across the aisle when she was in the senate."

Christie's silence was also criticized by New Jersey Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy, President Barack Obama's U.S. ambassador to Germany from 2009–2013. In a sharply worded statement, Murphy called on Christie to resign as the head of Trump's transition team and rescind his endorsement of the Republican presidential nominee. 

"To remain with Trump now is nothing less than a tacit endorsement of his disgusting misogyny," Murphy wrote. "No one who believes their social status allows them to get away with committing sexual assault deserves the national spotlight, let alone to be considered for the presidency."