Letters | It's an El of a ride
IT'S NOT only fares and technology that's dragging SEPTA down. The Market-Frankford El needs a lot of improvements. They make too many ridiculous small stops where too few passengers board the train and get off. They need to eliminate Church Street, Tioga, Somerset, Huntingdon, York-Dauphin and Berks. It's a total waste of time for trains to stop at these locations.
IT'S NOT only fares and technology that's dragging SEPTA down. The Market-Frankford El needs a lot of improvements.
They make too many ridiculous small stops where too few passengers board the train and get off. They need to eliminate Church Street, Tioga, Somerset, Huntingdon, York-Dauphin and Berks. It's a total waste of time for trains to stop at these locations.
They also need to improve the York-Dauphin curve. It is ridiculous for them to have to run so slow, like they are afraid to see the train fall off.
SEPTA has been spending too much money on bonuses to the top people. If they keep doing this, we are going to keep riding Dark Age trains.
John Adamson, Philadelphia
Not exactly 'heroic'
Re "Despite Akers' Heroic Effort": The word "heroic," in my dictionary, is applied to acts exhibiting courage or daring, like those involved in saving lives, or efforts involving personal sacrifice.
Yesterday's final disappointing field goal attempt by the Eagles might have been "strenuous," "desperate" or "last-ditch," but it was only another try no different in quality than previous goal attempts in the same game. All the player did was kick a football, after all, and so the word "heroic" is grossly missapplied.
John Nernoff, Philadelphia
The unhappy couple
Bonnie and Clyde! What a pair. I wonder what she'll look like in a non-designer orange jumpsuit.
Well, their party is over. It is unfortunate that the people they scammed won't be able to get their money back. It will probably take years for those people to get their credit back in good shape. They should get some good jail time - that will give them a while to think about what they did to their friends and other people.
Cheryl Gilbert, Oaklyn, N.J.