FAQ about print-to-digital transition for some subscribers
Answers to frequently asked questions about recent changes to some subscribers' delivery formats.

If you’ve recently been notified about changes to your Inquirer subscription, and you have questions about it, you may be able to find answers in the following Q&A.
Q. Why is delivery unavailable in my area?
A. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to provide consistent newspaper delivery to your area. Switching to digital provides a reliable way for you to access all of the news you have come to depend on from The Inquirer.
Q. What is included with a digital subscription?
A. You have unlimited access to Inquirer.com and The Inquirer App — as well as the e-Edition, our newsletters, podcasts, and live virtual events.
Q. When will the digital version of the print paper be available?
A. The digital version, also known as our e-Edition (electronic edition), is available by 6 a.m. daily, 24/7 at Inquirer.com or through The Inquirer App.
Q. How do I access the e-Edition?
A. You can open the e-Edition by clicking on the link that says “Today’s Paper” on the top left at Inquirer.com from a laptop or desktop. When using a phone, open the “hamburger” menu at the top left, scroll to the bottom and select “Today’s Paper.” On The Inquirer, App click on the “newspaper” icon at the bottom of your screen.
Q. How are the e-Edition and printed paper different?
A. The e-Editions of The Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News are electronic images of our daily print publications. They make the newspapers that you’re accustomed to holding in your hands accessible on your computer, tablet, or phone. Browse through every section, read every headline, see every ad, and laugh at the comics — anytime, anywhere. In the event of late-breaking news or sports games that end after print deadlines, The Inquirer and Daily News e-Editions often include updated and additional news and information.
Q. How do I log in?
A. You can log into Inquirer.com on either your phone or a desktop browser. The link is at the top right of your screen. If you are using The Inquirer App, you can login under the settings button at the bottom of your screen.
Q. I have a subscription to The Philadelphia Inquirer, but I’ve never created a login. How do I register my account on Inquirer.com?
A. You can set up your account by going to Inquirer.com/activate. In order to activate, you will need your account number.
Q. How do I get the digital version if I don’t have an email address?
A. You can visit Inquirer.com anytime without an email address. However, your full access to all of your Philly news, e-Edition, and app requires an email address.
Q. Can I transfer my delivery to a different address and keep the printed paper?
A. Yes, we can do that for you. Be aware, many locations are now restricted to the same delivery requirements or may be mail delivery only.
Q. How do I download The Inquirer App?
A. You can download it from either the Apple Store or Google Play. Search for “The Philadelphia Inquirer.” You will know it’s us by the “I” logo.