7 tips to choose the gym membership that’s best for your 2023 fitness resolutions
A new year brings new commitmennts to get in shape.

Cardio machines. Boxing classes. Yoga sessions. Indoor pool underwater stationary cycling (that’s really a thing). There are as many ways to work out as there are excuses for not exercising. But even though there are lots of options — and lots of science telling us that getting enough physical activity leads to healthier, longer, happier lives — fewer than half of U.S. adults get enough exercise, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Many people decide that the commitment of joining a gym or fitness studio will get them moving, especially at the start of a new year. If you are thinking of joining a club, know upfront that the fitness industry thrives on good intentions. Most people who join gyms stop using them after only a few months. Because many clubs charge nonrefundable initiation fees, you can waste a lot of money if you quit.
If you don’t exercise regularly, or want to increase your fitness regimen, first formulate a plan. Your plan should include realistic fitness goals, a list of exercises for achieving those goals, a schedule, and a list of reasons to keep you motivated.
Consider alternatives to gyms. Most people can save money and meet all their fitness and recreation needs without joining private fitness clubs. The pandemic forced much of the fitness industry online, where you can find live and recorded classes and training sessions. Most fitness apps cost $13 to $30 a month. If you’re OK with less structure, there are thousands of free online workout videos available for less money than a traditional gym membership.
If you still want to work out in a private gym or take classes, be prepared to make decisions. There are many local gyms, each likely to offer several membership options. To help you identify the best fitness centers in the area, nonprofit Delaware Valley Consumers’ Checkbook is providing free access to its unbiased ratings of local fitness centers to Inquirer readers until Feb. 5.
Among gyms that are conveniently located and get high marks from their customers, be sure to shop for price — membership at many clubs doesn’t come cheap. While amenities and services vary, you’ll find that large price differences exist among clubs with roughly the same basic features. Before signing up for a gym membership, consider this advice:
Shop around. Our price research found that some clubs charge twice as much as others for about the same facilities and amenities. Because many gyms have several fee plans and discount options, make sure the sales staff offers you the best available rates. When discussing costs, mention other clubs you’re considering.
Check whether you qualify for a discount based on an arrangement between the facility and your employer or health insurance plan. For example, Medicare Advantage policyholders have access to programs that offer free or very low-cost memberships at participating fitness centers. Many clubs have agreements with employers for “corporate” rates, typically 10% to 20% lower than normal rates.
Watch out for the non-discount discount. Many clubs print up membership fee schedules with inflated prices so that can cut the price during the sales pitch. The same non-discount strategy appears in advertising. Although many advertised specials truly offer lower prices, others are confusing or misleading.
Consider the length of the contract. Ask whether a membership you’re considering includes a time commitment. If you’ve never joined a fitness facility, test both your determination to exercise and the club by taking a short-term or month-to-month option.
Request a guest pass to try out any club you are considering. While there, check out the cleanliness and condition of equipment. Use your pass at a time when you’re most likely to exercise regularly so you can see how crowded it gets and judge how helpful the staff is.
Get everything in writing. If a salesperson has said you can cancel your membership at any time, make sure it says as much in the contract.
Ask about trial periods. As the financial commitment of a club membership can be substantial, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania have laws providing for a cooling-off period of three days after signing a contract to cancel and get a refund. You should cancel in writing by certified or registered mail. If you can persuade the club to give you a longer cooling-off or trial period, do so.
Delaware Valley Consumers’ Checkbook magazine and Checkbook.org is a nonprofit organization with a mission to help consumers get the best service and lowest prices. It is supported by consumers and takes no money from the service providers evaluated.