Get thee to a nunnery The new "Nunsense II," billed as being as "habit forming" as its blockbuster off-Broadway predecessor, features more of the lovable, sassy nuns from Hoboken, N.J. The original production by Dan Goggin is now in its 24th year and is the second-longest-running off-Broadway hit.
Get thee to a nunnery
The new "Nunsense II," billed as being as "habit forming" as its blockbuster off-Broadway predecessor, features more of the lovable, sassy nuns from Hoboken, N.J. The original production by Dan Goggin is now in its 24th year and is the second-longest-running off-Broadway hit.
Players Club of Swarthmore, 614 Fairview Road, 2 p.m. Also 8 p.m. May 3-5, 10-12 and 2 p.m. May 6, $10-$22, 866-811-4111 or
Theater growers
Children of all ages will delight in the 23rd annual Philadelphia International Children's Festival, a multicultural smorgasbord of stage, screen and musical productions from artists around the globe. Experience variety such as Quebec clown Jamie Adkins "Circus Incognitus" and the Mexican musical troupe Los Folkloristas' hand-clapping tribute to music from 15 Latin American countries.
Penn Center for the Performing Arts, Sunday through May 5, at various times and venues, $10-$12, 215-898-6789 or
A pen reunion
Officers and former inmates of Eastern State Penitentiary, which closed in 1971, gather to remember the good and bad times behind what is considered the nation's first penitentiary. As part of the prison's annual reunion weekend, the public can meet and ask questions of the men who worked or served hard time behind the thick walls on Fairmount.
Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site, 2124 Fairmount Ave., 2:30 p.m., $9 adults, $7 students, seniors, $4 children 7-12, 215-236-3300.