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Chat Transcript - Ed Barkowitz

Transcript from Fantasy Football chat, 12/6/07

Ed B.: Had a couple questions in my email box, so I'll kick off this week's chat with them. Marcus, from Richmond, Va., wanted to know which defense to start the Titans or the Lions?

Ed B.: Marcus, I'd go with the Titans. Since most leagues penalize for yards/points, Detroit's matchup against Dallas could be a disaster. As long as he Albert Haynesworth is OK, the Titans are a stronger play. Haynesworth did miss practice on Weds., but it appears to be just precautionary.

Chris: Ed, which of these receivers would you go with this week, P. Crayton, Roddy White, or Calvin Johnson?

JD: Which 2 RB's would you start - Travis Henry, Shaun Alexander, Edgerrin James?

Chris: Tech. issues??

Ed B.: Chris, I'd go with Crayton slightly over Johnson. Crayton is carving himself out a nice little season as the Cowboys third receiving option. I know you're Johnson is tempting with Roy Williams on the shelf, but they have other options. White scares me because apparently Chris Redman's gonna start for Atlanta.

Chris: Thanks.

Ed B.: JD, I think Edge is the most definite play, especially if Larry Fitzgerald is out. I'd go with Shaun Alexander over Travis Henry, although I will congratulate you on Henry's victory over the league the other day.

Tom: Who would yo ustart this week. Farve or Brees ??

Chris: Ed, I just looked and Mike Furrey is available, would he be a better option than C. Johnson. (It's a 12 team league, talent is thin on the FA market.)

Tom: And who would you keep in a kepper league. I have Adrian Peterson and LT ?????

Ed B.: How's the LaDainian Tomlinson owner doing out there? In the three leagues that I'm in, the LT owner failed to make the playoffs in all three. Amazing.

Michael: with Roy Williams out, who's the better option Shaun McDonald or Mike Furrey???

Chris: I barely made it with LT, 7th seed.

Nick: Who do you start this week in the playoffs, Kellen Clemens, Philip Rivers or Jeff Garcia?

Nick: I made the playoffs will LT in my other league. Im in the Conference championship this week.

Joey: Since defenses have made Tom Brady look human the last 2 weeks, do you still go with him against the Steelers this week?

Ed B.: Tom, I'd actually go with Brees. Favre is going against the Raiders, which actually play the pass pretty well and he's banged up. I know he's got that ridiculous starting streak, but the guy is 38 years old and it's supposed to be colder than a witch's teet in a cast-iron bra. Brees will be indoors at an Atlanta defense that is a much better matchup. Not a lot of money has been won betting against Favre this year, but that's the call here.

Ed B.: Chris, Furrey is definitely an option and a decent play as a No. 3 receiver. But if Shaun McDonald is out there, I'd go with him instead.

Bill: What are your thoughts on using Brandon Jacobs against the Eagles? Seems like the Birds will really be trying to prevent Eli from having a big game and that could open up the run some?

Ed B.: Tom, I'd definitely keep Peterson over LT as long as it's THE Adrian Peterson and not the guy from Chicago (smile).

Ed B.: Michael, I like McDonald over Furrey. I looked it up yesterday and McDonald has been the target of 59 passes to 46 for Furrey. I realize Furrey hasn't been on the field as much, but if you ask me that means McDonald has the trust of the QBs and coaches maybe a little more. Don't you love fantasy in December? Can't get enough Lions WR talk.

yo: the patriots are going to win the super bowl no problem unless the cowboys or packers make them work unlike the other teams in the NFL

Chris: yo, this is fantasy football chat.

Dave: I need help! I keep going back and forth between what 2 running backs to start this week! I have Gore, Parker and Kolby Smith. Help! Seriously!

Ed B.: Nick, tough QB dilemma. Rivers is the safest play, but Clemens is awfully tempting against visiting Cleveland. If you had studs at RB and/or WR, I'd take a shot and play Clemens. If your RBs and WRs are mediocre, play Rivers.

Chris: Yes, it's sad we're debating the Lions WR options, but they seem to have better matchups than B. Berrian or K. Curtis, who could have kept me in my other league's playoffs. Thanks Kevin!

Ed B.: Joey, please, please, please do not bench Brady. I feel you, though, because I have Brady and Roethlisberger and it crossed my mind. But you have to dance with the girl you brought, and that girl is Brady.

Nick: Heres the other way with the Brady question, you can lose ALOT of points on defense in this league. Do I start Pitts D like all year or bench them for KC's? (my best option)

Ed B.: Bill, I was all for using Jacobs until I read this quote after yesterday's practice: "I'm not going to push myself as much as I can because it's a hamstring and you never know with those," Jacobs said. "I'm going to take care of it the way I need to. You come back too soon and you could hurt it more and be out for the next four weeks. I'm just going to take my time and do as much as I can do." The Linc's not the most reliable field and I think we're supposed to get rain. Play him at your own risk.

Pete: Should I start Eli or Jason Campbell. I also have the Chicago Defense and Houston Defense dilemma. Campbell is up against Chicago so that may come back to haunt me if I start both, any thoughts?

Chris: Nick, KCs Defense gave up 27 points the first time they played Denver, just throwing that out there.

Ed B.: Dave, first of all, I'd go with Gore. Now, of Parker or Smith, I'd go with Smith. Parker, as we all know, is facing the Patriots. Thing is, he's caught fumblitis the last few weeks and if I'm Mike Tomlin, I might use Davenport near the goal line. Good luck, Dave, I'm with you. But keep a paper bag handy just in case hyperventilation kicks in.

Christian: Who would you start this weekend out of these WR's if you could only pick two? Wes Welker, Dwayne Bowe, Derrick Mason, and Chris Henry?

Ed B.: Nick, in your case, I'd go with the Chiefs. Last thing you want is to lose points from your D. Plus, KC's matchup at Denver isn't terrible.

Ed B.: Pete, I'd go with Eli. The Redskins have had a short, emotional week and have to travel as well. I'm avoiding all Redskins except Chris Cooley (not that there's many left). By that same token, play the Bears, especially if you get special teams TDs.

Ed B.: Welker would be my first choice. Then I'd go with Henry, Mason and Bowe. Depending on the parameters, I do think Dwayne Bowe deserves keeper consideration. But this week at Denver, I'd sit him.

Bob K: Some tough decisions this week. Kolby Smith or Rudi Johnson at my 3rd RB. Jerious Norwood, Lee Evans or Bryant Johnson at Flex? Your thoughts?

Ed B.: If you could change or adjust any rule in your league, which one would you like to see tweaked? I've always wanted to see points awarded for defenses and quarterbacks who actually win their NFL game and deducted if they lose.

Chris: Ed, I get return yards for my defense but the Ravens are playing Indy. Should I bench them and play Tampa instead?

Pat: ED - who would you start; reggie bush or lawrence maroney. Bernard Berrian or Reggie Williams?

Chris: I don't think defenses should be penalized when their offense turns over the ball and it's returned for a touchdown. They weren't on the field when the points were scored!

Jimbo: Ed, I'm in a pretty deep league and need a qb. Would you start Kellen Clemmons or Chris Redmon?

Ed B.: Bob K, I'd go with Kolby over Rudi and Bryant Johnson as the Flex. Speaking of Johnson, those who are kicking around the Lions wide receivers should also consider Johnson if he's available. It doesn't look like Boldin will play and Fitzgerald is still questionable. Fitzgerald is killing me, by the way.

Nick: One last one, gotta pick 2....Reggie Bush, Laurence Maroney and Fred Jackson...which 2?

Ed B.: Chris, I have a feeling the Ravens are going to get a lot of return yards as a result of numerous Indy kickoffs. If you don't get penalized for yards/points allowed, then play Baltimore. Otherwise, stick with Tampa. They're a safer play. I think Baltimore gets lumped up this week.

Ed B.: Nick, at this moment, I'd go with Jackson and Maroney. I'm really down on Bush (insert Beavis and Butt-Head laugh here), who hasn't been the same since he's been asked to be the primary back. It's kinda what the Eagles were afraid of with Brian Westbrook. Check tomorrow's paper, though, for how Marshawn Lynch practiced today, before definitely going with Jackson. Good stuff, though. Thanks for the questions.

Chris: We're done?? Now what do I

admin: OK, it's almost 2:00, folks. Thanks for chatting, and get those last few questions in.

Nick: Thanks Eddie B. I had made my decisions but I feel better now because you agreed with all of them.

Chris: Biggest fantasy disappointment, P. Manning, F. Gore, or LT?

Pat: ED - who would you start; reggie bush or lawrence maroney. Bernard Berrian or Reggie Williams?

Ed B.: Pat, sorry for the delayed response, I'd got Maroney and Williams. Normally, I'd go with Berrian over Williams, I just don't like that it's supposed to snowy tonight.

Chris: No snow down here in DC tonight, we got plenty yesterday.

Pat: thanks

Ed B.: Jimbo, I'd go with Clemens. I think he's a sleeper this week.

Pat: Ben or Eli????

Ed B.: Chris, thanks for correcting me. I was looking at the Chicago forecast. Doh! Minus three points for Ed B.

Dave D: ED need to start 2 Fargas, jacobs or dayne?

Ed B.: Pat, I'd go with Roethlispud. Eli's too erratic and the Pats can be thrown on.

Bob K: Do you take a shot with Brandon Jacobs or Droughns or dump both of them and go with Bryant Johnson?

Ed B.: Dave D, I'd go with Fargas and Dayne.

Bob K: And forget about Fitzgerald - Brandon Jacobs is the one killing me.

Ed B.: Bob K, even though I've been down on him all chat, if those were my choices, I'd have to go with Jacobs.

Ed B.: Good luck to all. See you next week at 1 p.m. Also, be sure to grab next Friday's paper when the fantasy year-end awards ballot appears.

Chris: Will that be online too?

Ed B.: Chris, not sure yet. Hopefully, I'll have a better answer next week. Enjoy the snow (smile). Thanks for helping me out with this.

tim: hi, pick 2 of these 3 to start please...kolby smith, fred taylor, and chester taylor.

Ed B.: tim, while the chat has ended, I could never leave one of my fantasy brothers out in the cold. I'd go with Kolby and Chester Taylor.