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Cancer patient 'in shock' over Kemp's kind gesture

Matt Kemp's incredible act of kindness is being admired from all over the sports world.

BY NOW, MOST people have heard of Matt Kemp's incredible act of kindness.

On Sunday, after losing a game to the Giants in San Francisco, the Dodgers' centerfielder kept a promise to third-base coach Tim Wallach to sign an autograph for a fan.

The fan turned out to be Joshua Jones, a 19-year-old from Tracey, Calif., who has inoperable tumors on his spine and only 3 months to live.

Kemp first gave Jones an autographed ball. Then he removed his cap and handed it over, too. He then pulled his still-buttoned No. 27 jersey over his head and placed it on Jones' lap. Finally, he took off his Nikes and gave them to Jones.

"I was in shock," Jones told the Hartford Courant on Tuesday. "I was sitting there thinking, 'I can't believe he's doing this.' "

What Kemp didn't know was that Jones' buddy, Tommy Schultz was filming the exchange on his smartphone. The video has since gone triple-platinum.

"The shirt, the cap, wow . . . Then he took off the cleats and I was blown away," Schultz said.

Needless to say, Kemp is now the Jones family's favorite player.

"I don't think words can explain how great this was," said Ryan Jones, Joshua's older brother by a year. "If this is the last memory of his life, it was an incredible one."

Heartwarming story II

Jack Jablonski sent out a tweet before the United States Hockey League held its draft this week:

"Dear USHL teams," it read. "Just thought I'd let u know I am eligible for tomorrow's draft. Sincerely Jack Jablonski"

In December 2011, Jablonski was paralyzed while playing in a high school game in Minnesota.

Late Tuesday night, Jablonski - who has regained movement in his arms and has some feeling in his feet - got a tweet from the Chicago Steel.

It read: "With the final pick the Steel draft Jack Jablonski. Congrats @Jabs_13 on becoming a member of the Steel!"

Jablonski replied with a tweet of his own.

"Best night ever," he wrote.