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Another Sports Illustrated cover for Mo'ne

Mo'ne Davis is named SI Kids Sportskid of the Year

Mo'ne Davis is the Sportskid of the Year.
Mo'ne Davis is the Sportskid of the Year.Read morePhoto courtesy of Sports Illustrated for Kids

MO'NE DAVIS, the star pitcher of the Taney Dragons Little League team that advanced to the Little League World Series last summer, has been named Sports Illustrated Kids Sportskid of the Year.

Davis, 13, became a nationwide sensation as she became the first female to pitch a shutout in a LLWS game. She was the fourth female to compete in the World Series.

Davis is the second female honored by Sports Illustrated.

First lady Michelle Obama tweeted out her congratulations to Davis: "Congrats to @MoneDavis11 on becoming the @SIKids' 2014 #SportsKid of the Year! You knocked it out of the park for girls everywhere. -mo"

Davis was the first Little Leaguer to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated (Aug. 25) during the Dragons' trip to the LLWS.

"Mo'ne's achievements rank among the finest by any athlete at any level this year," Sports Illustrated Kids managing editor Mark Bechtel said. "She reminded us all - adults included - that there are no limits to what we can accomplish."

Davis will be honored at Sports Illustrated's annual Sportsman of the Year ceremony in New York on Dec. 9.