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Domowitch NFL chat transcript


OK, boys and girls. Let's talk some draft.


Who do you think will draft Adrian Peterson


Hey Paul: I saw you on Daily News Live with Chris Steuber two weeks ago and he has the Eagles taking Chris Houston. What are the chances the Eagles take Houston?


college fan- worst case scenerio has him falling to the vikings at 7.


Jason- it's possible. but houston was a cover-2 corner at arkansas, which means he doesn't have any experience playing anything else. he's probably a better fit for a cover-2 team.


Houston is a good press corner and a knock against him is that he didn't play off the line at Arkansas. Is being a press corner a bad thing in the NFL? I think it's a good thing.


Who do you think will be the better NFL QB - Russell or Quinn?


Being a press corner, which is what you do in a Cover-2 defense, is NOT a bad thing. It just means that he doesn't have a lot of experience playing off the ball and dealing with receivers who already have entered their route.


I think it would be easy to learn to play off a receiver, especially with Houston having 4.3 speed, than learning to play physical, right?


college fan- Well, neither is as good as Paul Thompson [yuk, yuk]. Russell has better physical skills, including the best arm since Elway maybe. But something tells me Quinn is going to be a helluva NFL qb.


When you're talking about something you haven't done a lot, there's always the unknown.


Domo- who do you think the Eagles will take and why?


i think their preference is for a corner or safety in the first round. in my mock, i have them taking brandon meriweather, though i don't know for sure whether they'll telling the truth when they say the two incidents last year won't scare them away from him. but he's the best cover safety in the draft, has played some corner, and is a good feet for jim johnson's scheme.


correction: good FIT for johnson's scheme.


Is Justice really going to sit on the bench again?


Paul, how is Trotter going to hold up this year?


If William Thomas plays as well as he did last year, there's a good chance Justice could be twiddling his thumbs again.


Do you think the Eagles will take a AB in this draft? I think McNabb might not be happy, even if it is for the futue




Alli- They're going to try to limit his snaps to keep his knees from giving out. A lot will depend on whether their other linebackers stay healthy and allow that.


Taz; Wow. I've got the whole Boston contingent online. Yeah, I think they will take a QB, though I don't think it will be until the second day. They still think McNabb's got 5-6 more productive years in him.


What about Spikes? Is he going to stay healthy and make a signficant impact?


L.J. Smith still hasn't gotten a deal. Will we draft a tight end high and any idea who they like?


Broderick Bunkley - do you think he becomes a serious contributor this year, or is he already a disapointment


Alli- Excellent question. They think he'll be a lot more productive this season than last being two years removed from his achilles injury. but he's up in age and i doubt he'll ever be the pro bowler he once was. that said, he's still going to improve their lb corps. right now, it looks like he'll be lining up on the weak side, with gaither and trotter duking it out in the middle and god knows who on the strong side.


Which young guy, if any, will take over a starting job on the Eagles in 2007?

Jason :

Paul, simple question, should I watch the draft on ESPN or NFLNETWORK?


SB- There's a possibility they could take Miami's Greg Olsen in the first round, but I doubt it. The second-rated TE, Zach Miller, is more of a blocker than a seam-splitter. I think they'll take one at some point. Delaware's Ben Patrick, who figures to go in the third round, is a possibility.


NFL Network. You won't have to listen to the blathering of Chris Berman, and NFLN's Mike Mayock is 100 times more insightful than ESPN's Mel Kiper.


Joe- They'd better hope it's Brodrick Bunkley. The improvement of their defense depends on him being productive this season.

Jason :

Thank you Paul, I'm so sick of Berman calling the pick as the commish is walking up like they hand Boomer a card too, plus them bringing on Keyshaun will make me vomit over 4 hrs, will we ever see the birds put a blockbuster together to get a Johnson or a marquis top 5 plyer? ever?


Paul, do you the Birds decision to let Garcia go is going to come back and bite them in the ass?


Jason- They're usually pretty far back in the first round. It's next to impossible to move up from the mid-20s to the top 5. They have done two major first-round tradeups in the last four years. Unfortunately, one was to get Jerome McDougle.


trm2: I don't think so. He was going to be the backup qb to McNabb. There's no reason to believe McNabb won't be behind center in Week 1. And while, if he gets hurt again, I'd rather have Garcia than Feeley, A.J. is capable to running the office and doing a good job.


correction: offense, not office.


hey, college fan. where'd you go?

Jason :

Point Blank, will Andy's absence affect this draft?


What do you think of Micheal Bush? If the Eagles draft a RB & he is still on the board, they'd making a colossal mistake, in my opinion.


Is it possible for the birds to take a safety first, LB second, and still end up w a big back in the third?


Jason- Because he missed the combine and the Pro Day workouts, Andy isn't as ``up'' on many of the second-day guys as he might've been. So he'll need to rely even more than usual on Tom Heckert and his scouts. But he trusts them and would do that anyway.


Tim: Before he got hurt, Bush was a likely first-rounder. He had that rod put in his leg earlier this year and hasn't been able to work out for teams, which means he's probably going to fall into the third or fourth round. If I'm them, I'd probably pass on him. There's healthy guys like Leonard and Hunt that could help them.

Jason :

I wasn't impressed with Heckert's overall gameplan and his style of doing things, is he the right man for the gm job?


Just got on - apologize if this has already been asked. What's yur crystal ball show about 'Trot'. Is he anchoring the middle by the middle of the season?


Jon- Sure. There will be some inside and outside linebackers worth taking in the second -- Florida's Brandon Siler, Nebraska's Stewart Bradley, Penn State's Tim Shaw and Oklahoma's Rufus Alexander. And I don't think Tony Hunt will get claimed until the third. Same with Florida State's Lorenzo Booker.


Jason- I think he's a pretty good talent evaluator. His '03 and '04 drafts were bad, but I think his '05 and '06 drafts will ultimately turn out to be pretty good.


Do you think NFL players will clean up their act this year after the NFL cracked down on players like Pacman Jones? Should NFL teams be leary of college players with "issues?"

Ken W:

Brandon Meriweather? Is this a good move with such a questionable character. If Paul Posluzny was there and you had the choice between the 2 where do you go?


HoBee- They really need to keep his number of snaps down so that he doesn't wear down. He's essentially a first- and second-down linebacker now, who doesn't have much range beyond the A gaps. Assuming they're putting Spikes at WILL, he's going to be pushed by Gaither in training camp. It'll be interesting.


So, in your opinion, a draft of Merriwether, Siler, and Hunt would be somewhat of a possibility? I could live with that.

Jason :

Dwayne Jarret seems like he would fit in with this offense, any chance Paul?


Do you think there's any chance that Reggie Nelson would fall to the Eagles, and would they take him?


Aside from 5's knee, I think it will be THE story in training camp, especially since Andy isn't very sentimental.


collegefan: I think some will clean up their act. But considering that the first place Pacman was interviewed after his suspension was in a casino where he was attending a fight, i don't think the message is going to get completely through. I do think a lot more teams will be wary of guys with character histories in this draft because clubs can be punished now as well as players.


How is the Eagles' receiving corp going to do this year? Is Greg Lewis going to continue to essentially be a non-factor in the offense?


KenW: I haven't spent the time with Meriweather that they have in recent months. If they think he won't be a problem, strictly from a position and ability standpoint, I'd take Meriweather


Jon- Yeah. There is a possibility that Siler could be gone before their pick in the second. But otherwise. . .


Jason- Jarret's stock plummeted when he ran a 4.6 in workouts. Remember Billy McMullen? That could be Jarrett.


Any word on what Howard has been up to? Any reason to believe he will have a better season? Or does having Kearse healthy make or break the d lines performance?


Jim- I think he'll be gone by the 26th pick. Nelson is rated on most boards as the second best safety behind LaRon Landry. He's got great speed and ball skills, but was basically a centerfield-type safety at Florida and wasn't asked to do the things the Eagles need their safeties to do. That doesn't mean he can't. It just means he doesn't have experience doing them. Also, I'm told he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


You mentioned Tim Shaw earlier . . . can you predict the fate of other PSU candidates?


Will the Eagles take a tight end at some point to develop for the future if they don't re-sign LJ Smith?


HoBee- You lost me. McNabb's return obviously is going to be a big story, but I don't understand the sentimental part. Are you suggesting that Reid is going to make Feeley the starter?

Jason :

If the raiders dont come to terms with Russell today is something big up??


Where do you see Zack DeOssie out of Brown going? Any chance the Eagles take him as a long-snapper with a chance to win an LB job in a few years?


Just a few minutes left in the hour, folks. Get those last questions in.

Jerry :

Are we going to see Dhani Jones again at the strongside again if Gocong isn't good enough to replace him?


Alli- I think Curtis will be a suitable replacement for Stallworth and Baskett will do a good job as the No. 3 guy. I'm not a big Jason Avant fan. I don't think he's fast enough. But they like him. If they're right, they'll be fine. Even if they aren't, Lewis certainly is a capable No. 4.

Dwayne Jarret:

Domo, why am I dropping? How could they take my teammate Steve Smith ahead of me?


Sorry . . . I was still on Trot. Your point to my question was it'll be interesting. I think the MLB spot will be THE story of camp, aside from 5's knee. I don't think Trot is there by middle of the season. The sentimental reference was an attempt at being cute . . . we know it doesn't [nor shouldn't] enter into Reid's thinking. Though much of the fan base factors it in heavily.

Jason :

Where do you see Troy Smith going? 4th 5th? eagles? yeah Dwayne!! u tore michigan up!!


Jon- The key to the d-line will be Bunkley. Hell, he's the key to the entire defense. But they do have to get production from Kearse and Howard. Kearse looked emaciated the other day. He's down to 230-235. And Howard, who knows? He hasn't played well since '04. I think there's a good chance he's done. Cole and Thomas can be effective pass rushers, but their snaps have to be controlled. Cole has run out of gas in the second half of the season each of the last two years because he's had to play way too many snaps.

Jason :

If Bunkley's the key were done, he's Bunk


HoBee- I'm not as high on Puzluz as some. I think he'll be an OK player, but not a Pro Bowler. I like Hunt, even with the slow workout time he ran at his Pro Day. Shaw's stock shot up with a 4.4 time at his workout, but I think he'll get drafted higher than he deserves.


With what you just said about Kearse, do you think Jarvis Moss or Spencer are a more likely 1st round pick?


OK, that's it for today, folks. Thanks for chatting, and be sure to check out the other interactive features in the