Click the video above to watch the live interview beginning at 5:00 p.m. (EST) on April 14.
First dates that used to be at bars and movie theaters are now happening over Zoom. What other ways has the coronavirus changed our romantic lives? Join us for Inquirer LIVE: Dating During a Pandemic, moderated by metro columnist Jenice Armstrong, to hear stories of success and failure at creating connections in a global lockdown.
Special guests Kevin Kreider of Bling Empire; Mindie Barnett, host of The Race for the Ring Podcast; relationship expert Dr. Jaime Zuckerman; and former Daily News Sexy Single and serial entrepreneur Angelita Byrd will share their personal experiences and advice on dating during these unprecedented times.
Submit your questions in the comments section below for our special guests. Only questions submitted here will be acknowledged during the Q&A portion of the presentation.