Click on the video player above to watch the live interview beginning at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, August 24.
These days, people of all ages may be feeling out of sync—and perhaps even a bit alien. But the challenges are unique for teenagers and the people who love them. Frances Jensen, M.D., chair of the neurology department at Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine, and a parent herself, knows what it’s like to face a teen who is wonderful in so many ways—yet sometimes can’t get their homework done or resist taking risks that terrify an adult brain.
Join us for an in-depth conversation with Inquirer health editor Charlotte Sutton and Frances Jensen, M.D., as they discuss how the pandemic is affecting teens, as well as topics that have long been with us, such as school start times and sleep, substance use, stress, digital distractions, mental illness and more.
Submit your questions via the comment feature below for our special guest.