Dear Abby | Couple quarrels over money spent on their granddaughter
DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are retired and financially comfortable. I have my spending money, and he has his. The problem is, he doesn’t want me to spend any money on my granddaughter. I pick her up from school every day, give her an afternoon snack, and on Friday, we stop and get something specia
DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are retired and financially comfortable. I have my spending money, and he has his. The problem is, he doesn’t want me to spend any money on my granddaughter.
I pick her up from school every day, give her an afternoon snack, and on Friday, we stop and get something special. My husband thinks my daughter should pay for my gas and provide snacks for her child. I disagree. I love doing things for my granddaughter and buying things for her every once in a while. When I do, he goes nuts, packs up his clothes and goes to his camp. After a few days he will call.
I have lived with this behavior all our married life (55 years). He has fussed so many times and made me so depressed, I just want to die. He says he loves me, but I wonder. If he loved me, he would want me to be happy — doing things with my granddaughter and getting her pretty things every now and then because it makes me happy.
I don’t go out and get my hair or nails done. I don’t drink or smoke, and we don’t go out to eat at expensive restaurants. His complaining is driving me crazy, and I can’t live like this anymore. She’s 10 and growing up so fast. All I want is to enjoy her the little while I have left. Advice?
DEAR GRANDMA: After 55 years of tolerating your husband’s tantrums and controlling behavior, I seriously doubt you are going to get him to change. You can, however, change the way you react to it. If you have money of your own, he does not have the right to tell you how to spend it. Let him go camping, and while he’s gone, enjoy your time with your granddaughter. If he “goes nuts” — which I assume means becomes verbally abusive — leave the room.
Ask yourself whether you are better off with this man or without him. And if you truly cannot live like this anymore, talk to an attorney and explore your options.
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DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have a friend of 35 years I’ll call Hank. Hank had an accident three months ago. His vehicle was totaled, and he has been depending upon us to take him grocery shopping and to various appointments. When we take him, he often adds additional stops without asking ahead of time, which turns a quick trip into a marathon shopping excursion.
We still work part-time, while Hank is retired. He is procrastinating about buying another vehicle, citing various reasons why he can’t find the right one, and we are becoming exhausted from driving him around. We have mentioned several times that he needs to get a vehicle; his response is, “It’s not easy.”
We feel sad that our friendship has taken this turn. We have tried to be as helpful as possible, but our patience is wearing thin. What do you suggest?
DEAR WORN OUT: I suggest you stop making yourselves so available when Hank asks for transportation. If you do, it may stimulate him to look more diligently for a new vehicle, or explore other rideshare options.