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New playing fields to open in Evesham

EVESHAM Seven months after breaking ground, township officials will cut ribbons and make speeches Monday dedicating 13 acres of new playing fields off Tuckerton Road. The ceremony begins at 7 p.m. and will include music, food, and family activities.

EVESHAM Seven months after breaking ground, township officials will cut ribbons and make speeches Monday dedicating 13 acres of new playing fields off Tuckerton Road. The ceremony begins at 7 p.m. and will include music, food, and family activities.

To be called the Diamonds at Arrowhead, the $5.3 million complex behind Town Hall will consist of two softball and two baseball fields designed for young players, with 60-foot baselines instead of 90.

The fields promise to be a marked improvement over the township's other playing fields at nearby Memorial Field. Built in 1997, those have a two-foot clay substrate that keeps them from draining quickly after heavy rains.

Called marl, the clay was used as a fertilizer in the 19th century, and it lent its name to the township's central district, Marlton.

The new fields were built atop six feet of imported sand and other porous material for quick drainage.

- David O'Reilly