With speeches, skits, and song women — and men, too — celebrate International Women’s Day
The celebration of International Women’s Day in Philadelphia Sunday involved a variety of expressions by a coalition of more than 25 left and feminist organizations with a singular message: “Solidarity, not separation: Feminism for the 99%.”
Some dressed as puppets. Others in standard jeans and puffy coats. Some performed skits to denounce the mistreatment of women, while others sang songs to celebrate them.
A giant banner filled with names honored transgender individuals who have been murdered or have committed suicide.
The celebration of International Women’s Day in Philadelphia Sunday involved a variety of expressions by a coalition of more than 25 left and feminist organizations with a singular message: “Solidarity, not separation: Feminism for the 99%.”
About 200 participants gathered first for a rally on Logan Square, then marched to 21st & Chestnut Streets for a potluck social at First Unitarian Church.
Organizers issued a joint statement in solidarity with “the global 99%'s struggle for justice, equality and peace” and identified a “common enemy” that is the sexist, racist, and capitalistic system of exploitations that impoverishes caregivers, rips families apart and destroys the environment."
The group called for “an immediate end to the criminalization of poverty and immigration policies that justify taking children away from mothers and caregivers everywhere.”
They joined celebrants throughout the world, with the first International Women’s Day held in 1911.