The Eagles fan who caught a baby from a burning building is now selling ‘Unlike Agholor’ shirts
Hakim Laws has capitalized on his newfound viral fame, opening a Spreadshirt shop with #UnlikeAgholor T-shirts and sweatshirts.

Hakim Laws, the dismayed Eagles fan who rose to viral fame this week after saying he caught a baby from a burning building and subsequently roasting Birds’ wide receiver Nelson Agholor’s inconsistent performance in Sunday’s game against the Detroit Lions, is now selling T-shirts printed with his trademark phrase: “Philly catching babies #UnlikeAgholor.”
Laws, a former Philadelphia firefighter with Engine 27, told 94.1 WIP host Angelo Cataldi he happened to be walking near a fire in an apartment building at 52nd and Girard Avenue early Monday, when he jogged over to help evacuate residents — including catching a baby tossed from the building — until crews arrived. But as he recounted the events to reporters at the scene, he couldn’t help but slip in a dig at Agholor.
“I see a guy hanging out the window screaming that his kids were in there,” Laws told CBS3 the night of the fire. “My man just started throwing babies out the window. We was catching them, unlike Agholor and his mishaps. I’d like to put that out there."
In the interview with WIP Thursday, Laws told Cataldi that rescuing the baby and its mother from the burning apartment building was “like catching a game-winning touchdown.”
In his previous job, Laws told WIP, he encountered life and death situations “all the time.”
“Honestly, you go numb,” he said.
But, as the TV cameras flipped on, Laws wasn’t too numb to forget Agholor’s less-than-stellar play.
“I was teed off the whole day, you know. I was with friends, we was celebrating, cooking food. [Agholor] let us down, you know, the team let us down. But he let us down," Laws said. "... Hey, I be going to tell those people with the cameras how I felt.”
Widely celebrated on social media as a hero for both his rescuing skills and sharp-witted comments, Laws is capitalizing on his newfound viral fame, opening a Spreadshirt shop to sell #UnlikeAgholor T-shirts, which cost $30, and sweatshirts, which go for $46.
A portion of the shop’s proceeds will go to the family impacted by the fire, Laws told WIP.
“You know me, because that’s the most important part,” he said.
After Laws’ comments began to circulate on social media, Agholor offered his own classy response to the fan, thanking him for being a “hero in the community” and inviting him to watch the team’s next home game at Lincoln Financial Field.
But even free game seats from Agholor won’t keep Laws from booing the receiver’s dropped passes, he told WIP.
“I’m an Eagles fan, I bleed green ... You’re going to get what you’re going to get,” he said.