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With abortion, I believe compromise is possible

As a woman, mother, and Republican, I believe that we need to encourage women and men to choose life. And I know that if we say that, we have to provide families with the tools to make that choice.

Marjilyn Murray argues that issues such as abortion don't have to be red vs. blue. In a politically diverse state like Pennsylvania, she says, a purple solution is possible.
Marjilyn Murray argues that issues such as abortion don't have to be red vs. blue. In a politically diverse state like Pennsylvania, she says, a purple solution is possible.Read moreMarjilyn Murray

The topic on many people’s minds lately — and rightly so — is abortion.

Since everything from health care to food choices seems to be so polarized these days, it is easy to turn this into a Democrat vs. Republican argument. And, if you look at most of our politicians across the U.S., they seem to be forced into one harsh opinion or the other by either the party, the media, or the constituents.

Regardless of who is elected in any office, whether “blue” or “red,” Pennsylvania is a “purple” state. Most reasonable, logical people can see arguments from both sides of any one issue, and I believe they would agree to a happy medium across party lines. No one person should have the right to tell us what to do in our private lives and for our health — as has been the argument of many people all along regarding Gov. Tom Wolf and the coronavirus mandates.

I know abortion is an issue that is particularly fraught and emotional, but I believe it’s possible for Pennsylvania to find a “purple” solution that works for us.

“I believe it’s possible for Pennsylvania to find a ‘purple’ solution that works for us.”

Marjilyn Murray

As a woman, a mother, and a Republican, I feel many different ways about abortion. As a woman, I would never jeopardize another woman’s health or the private choices she would make with her doctor; however, I feel that there should be sensible guidelines in place, such as the ones that are already being used in our state. At the moment, Pennsylvania permits abortions up to 24 weeks but requires parental consent for those under 18 years of age, a mandatory consultation to go over alternatives, and a 24-hour waiting period. New Jersey has fewer restrictions.

As a mother, I am in awe of the gift of life, and grateful for the love and laughter that my son is full of every day. I realize what a special miracle each one of our children is to us.

As a Republican, I can understand how some feel that life begins at conception, and with the many readily available methods of birth control out there, that abortion should not be used as a method of contraception.

And when did regard for life become such a negative thing?

» READ MORE: After Roe, we know what the Pa. GOP will do, says Rep. Fiedler

We have all been affected by a disregard for human life here in the city, exemplified by out-of-control crime. It seems that the policies put in place by some of our politicians over the past five years or so have only changed our city for the worse, making the streets less safe and leaving businesses and neighborhoods suffering. Carjackings, thefts, beatings, and shootings all seem so sadly commonplace now that we are losing our outrage toward this horrible behavior.

How can we expect our youth to respect human life if it is so easily disposable?

With this being said, as a woman, mother, and Republican, I believe that it is up to our elected officials to encourage women and men to choose life. And I know that if we say that, we have to provide families with the tools to support that life, such as child care and family-friendly work policies.

As a mother who cried for a week straight when returning to work full time and leaving her baby in the care of others, I understand the need for more time to be with our newborn babies, such as maternity and paternity leave. As a mother who struggled with the costs of raising a baby in today’s expensive and uncertain world, I understand the importance of affordable, quality day care for people of all incomes. As a mother who works full time, I know the importance of support and flexibility in the workplace. As a mother whose child is currently in a Philadelphia public charter school, I understand the need for good, clean, safe schools for all of our children.

To state that Republicans do not understand or support the needs of women in today’s day and age is simply not true. However, I believe that we need to work together on these issues, Democrats and Republicans, instead of just pointing fingers at each other.

Marjilyn Murray is the Republican candidate for state representative in District 184.