If you know the Democratic Party, you shouldn’t be surprised that Build Back Better seems doomed | Opinion
The bill would have been a game changer for the working class, write Shawn Hogan and Khalil Manns. It's no wonder then that the measure now faces its possible demise.

If Philadelphians are surprised by the possible demise of the Build Back Better bill, they probably haven’t been paying close attention to the Democratic Party lately.
Despite its imperfections, the Build Back Better bill would have been a huge win for the working class of our city and for the commonwealth — a massive investment in child care, schools, health care, and our environment. Amid the converging crises of COVID-19 and climate change, it would have saved lives, especially among vulnerable, marginalized communities.
So, naturally, Democratic leadership allowed the bill to all but die. Its leaders’ actions prove time and again: The Democratic Party doesn’t care about working people.
» READ MORE: How omicron and the possible demise of the Build Back Better bill could affect the economy in 2022
For instance, Jen Psaki, President Joe Biden’s spokesperson, recently scoffed at the idea of the government providing COVID-19 tests to everyone, despite this being a common practice in other countries. Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema opposed the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (the “PRO Act”), which would protect workers’ ability to unionize their workplaces and earn better pay and conditions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, meanwhile, just announced that it recommends decreasing the isolation time for individuals that test positive for COVID-19 from 10 days to five days following a request from Delta Airlines.
When it comes to the environment, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin cares more about the fate of his family-owned coal companies than the fate of the planet. When it comes to protecting the right to organize, Sinema cares more about business executives than workers. And Biden clearly cares a lot more about selling America’s public infrastructure to corporations in the name of “bipartisanship” than fighting for working families.
The Philadelphia Democratic Party’s priorities are similarly warped. Democratic Councilmember Allan Domb, who sits on the housing and development committees, is known as the “Condo King” and has used his power to support the 10-year tax abatement, a policy that clearly benefits him personally. Philadelphia-area representatives like Dwight Evans have flip-flopped over a national movement for Medicare for All, which would keep people from dying of preventable diseases and attack the scourge of overwhelming medical debt that currently burdens tens of thousands of Philadelphians. Under the leadership of people appointed by Democratic Mayor Jim Kenney, our publicly owned gas utility, Philadelphia Gas Works, is lobbying the Pennsylvania legislature to make it much more difficult for the city to control the utility and achieve its climate goals.
» READ MORE: Chuck Schumer vows Senate vote on Build Back Better legislation despite Joe Manchin’s opposition
And in one of the more embarrassing debacles of the early pandemic, Mayor Kenney’s Department of Public Health ignored serious red flags and entrusted a nine-month-old start-up, Philly Fighting COVID, to manage our vaccine rollout. Somehow, after nearly two years, COVID-19 tests are still not affordable or accessible in our city. On a recent free at-home test giveaway day here in Philly, lines stretched for hours.
Voters in Philadelphia who are waiting for the Democratic Party to come to its senses and start serving the people rather than its corporate donors are bound to be disappointed. To secure a livable future, working-class Philadelphians need to build power through tenant associations, labor unions, and mass organizations like the Democratic Socialists of America. We need to get organized and run candidates that prioritize people who will support working-class interests.
If we are organized, we can improve the lives of Philadelphians in ways that Democratic leaders have shown themselves unwilling to do time and again. We can take control of our public gas utility to make it climate-friendly and end utility shutoffs. We can fight for desperately needed green renovations in our toxic public schools. We can pass rent control to work toward a world where every Philadelphian can afford their housing. And we can win fair conditions in our workplaces, ending the dangerous and exploitative practices that Philadelphians are subjected to day in and day out. If we work together, we can build back better. Just don’t expect the Democratic Party to take the lead.
Shawn Hogan and Khalil Manns are the chair and vice chair of Philly Democratic Socialists of America. Learn more about Philly DSA at phillydsa.org.