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Letters to the Editor | Sept. 17, 2023

Inquirer readers on the move to impeach Biden, Cherelle Parker's decision not to debate David Oh, and the best way to respond to an invited speaker who is a white nationalist (don't show up).

Biden impeachment

Thank heavens for Trudy Rubin’s column, especially the one on the House impeachment effort. She offers large doses of truth confronting and refuting the outrageous and absurd propaganda that has perpetually characterized President Joe Biden as the head of a criminal family and convicted Ukraine as totally corrupt.

Political operatives from right-wing television and biased social media outlets have been working overtime — and with great success — to discredit Biden with untruths, and also to ignore the humanitarian suffering of millions being perpetrated by the Russian terrorist invasion of a sovereign nation.

This Orwellian strategy is simple. Just keep repeating the same lies over and over without any evidence and the populace will soon be turned into believing lemmings. Sounds familiar.

Tactics used so well by the totalitarians decades ago.

Joseph Batory, Philadelphia

. . .

If anyone needs more proof that the United States government is broken beyond repair, look no further than the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. Sadly, the precedent has been set that it is normal to impeach the sitting president when the opposite political party has control of the House of Representatives. Denigrating impeachment to what it was while Donald Trump was in (and out) of office, and what’s happening now is surely not what the Founding Fathers intended when the Constitution was written.

Nick D’Orazio, Conshohocken,

Taking a stand

This is a plea for Pennsylvania Republican representatives to petition the secretary of the commonwealth to disallow Donald J. Trump from being on the primary ballot, per Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Leadership should promote a non-MAGA extremist candidate who did not support the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Leadership should have more productive pursuits than enabling insurrectionists to blather on about being insurrectionists. Please protect democracy.

Craig McBride, Coatesville

Questionable strategy

A recent article about the coming election noted that “[Cherelle] Parker is expected to coast to victory ... [she is] rarely seen in public ...” In addition, the article reported that the Parker campaign would “slow roll” requests for interviews. Is this Parker’s overall strategy? Hide, refuse to appear with or debate David Oh, and hope the public won’t notice as Parker “coasts to victory.” Is this a harbinger of how she will govern as mayor — hide and hope people won’t notice? The citizens of Philadelphia deserve better.

Tom Elsasser, Philadelphia

Empty audience

There’s a very simple solution to the issue of having white nationalist Jared Taylor speak at Penn: Let him spew his garbage to an empty room. If no one shows up to listen to his filth, he’s talking only to himself and to his ultra-right collaborative professor.

Steve Arcidiacono, Havertown

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