Letters to the Editor | Sept. 25, 2022
Inquirer readers on migrants sent to Martha's Vineyard, mental health, and complaints against Biden.

Alarming mental health statistics
One particularly poignant statement in a recent article was, “Last week the CDC reported that life expectancy declined in the U.S. in 2021 and noted suicide as one of the drivers of the decline.” Despite the rise in people seeking treatment, it is evident that new avenues are needed to address the mental health crisis and provide more appropriate care. Race-congruent therapists are required for the safety of our patients of color, as made evident within the article that mental health treatment increased among almost all groups except Black people. Institutions should be urged to hire therapists of color, as should our public education systems. Representation and mentorship will encourage young people to not only pursue mental health treatment but to pursue careers in the mental health field.
Kayla Cooper, Andrea Ibarra Toro, Haley McMullen, Eden Parks, and Brielle Scuteri, students, Drexel University College of Medicine
Complaints against Biden unfounded
Americans have three major complaints against President Joe Biden and the Democrats:
The debacle in Afghanistan. Biden didn’t decide to remove U.S troops from Afghanistan. Donald Trump did. By the terms of Trump’s agreement (February 2020), all troops were to be out by May 1, 2021. Biden got an extension to September. In August, 13 Americans were killed by an Islamic State terrorist wearing a suicide vest. Sad, but hardly a debacle.
Inflation. Blaming Biden for U.S. inflation (8.3%) is absurd. Inflation is a worldwide phenomenon. In European countries, it ranges from 5.9% in France to 12% in the Netherlands. The U.K.’s rate is 9.9%. The real cause of inflation? The immense disruptions in supply and demand caused by the pandemic.
Immigration. The number of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. is almost the same now as it was when Trump took office. So how is the so-called “surge” the Democrats’ fault, especially when the wall was supposed to fix all that?
Gary Blackburn, Newtown
Kidnapping of migrants
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis touts his “Christianity” and urges his supporters to “put on the full armor of God” to defeat the “left.” He equates Americans who strive for inclusivity and equality with the devil. Like other politicians who shamelessly bleat about their devotion to Christ, he ignores certain inconvenient teachings attributed to Christ, such as: sheltering the homeless, welcoming the refugee, loving his neighbor. He brags about his most recent stunt, in which he chartered two planes and had one of his minions lure desperate migrants onto the planes. The DeSantis operative promised the migrants safety, refuge, jobs. Then sent the planes off to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. DeSantis and his followers high-fived each other at the cleverness of this scheme, designed to “own the libs.” Never mind that those planes were loaded with human beings, not cattle. That those human beings had sacrificed what little they had and risked their lives to come to America. The disgusting truth about DeSantis and his brand of Christianity is that it’s neither Christianity nor patriotic. It’s cruel, inhumane, and despicable.
Suzanne Bush, Gwynedd Valley
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