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Century plus 5

A day before Mother's Day, Lefteria Dhimitre was treated to a dinner at Bliss, 220 S. Broad. Why? Saturday was her birthday, her 105th birthday.

Lefteria Dhimitre had a great day Saturday.

Her son, Chris, owner of Bliss restaurant, 220 S. Broad, invited her and a group of friends and relatives to lunch at the snazzy restaurant.

When I heard about it, I said, "Chris, shouldn't you be having her in on Sunday, Mother's Day?"

He said, "We're taking her out somewhere else on Mother's Day."

"Then what's Saturday?," I asked.

It's Lefteria's 105th birthday, and she's looking good. Lefteria has been a resident of Eddystone since she emigrated from Albania, and got her citizenship in 1976, a great year to become an American.

Chris has owned several restaurants in Philadelphia and he is popular with people who don't know any better, and that includes me.