A holiday hiatus
Taking a break til the new year
I'm taking a break for the rest of the holidays. Next week will be dedicated solely to the pursuit of leisure - unless there is some unforeseen momentous news event, such as (a) Obama and Blagojevich work out a deal, whereby Blago agrees to name the Rev. Rick Warren as his spiritual advisor, in exchange for Obama agreeing to give Blago the name of John Edwards' hairdresser; or (b) Sarah Palin buys a house in Des Moines, to prepare for the 2012 Iowa Republican caucuses, and sends the bill to the Republican National Committee; or (c) Dick Cheney declares yet again that he has been infallible, but this time George W. Bush throws his shoes at him.
Failing that, I'll start afresh on Monday, Jan. 5. See you in the new year. Party on.