And that's the way it was: Presidential debate questions from 1960
The debate questions from 1960 weren't focused on the trivial.
The fall-out from last week's presidential debate continues -- I was honored to help write a part of Frank Rich's headline this weekend, and I've also been called a few new names from the right. My open letter to ABC's Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos drew by far the most email of any blog post I've written since I started doing this in 2004, and most of it's been positive (wow!). Thank you so much, all of you on both sides, for responding.
It's time now to look forward past the debacle, but we can begin by looking back...way back. My friend and Attytood reader Joe Sixpack (read the blog, buy the book) sent me this last week, and I thought folks would find this interesting. It's the questions from the first Kennedy-Nixon debate in 1960.
The debate was held on Sept. 26, 1960. The moderator was Howard K. Smith of, ahem, ABC News, and the panelists were Bob Flemming of ABC, Stuart Novins of CBS, Sander Vanocur of NBC, Charles Warren of Mutual.
The questions are self-explanatory: