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Men without hats

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while:

Last year, after Corbett said that he wanted to make Pennsylvania the Texas of natural gas, I wrote a column comparing Pennsylvania to Texas in non-flattering ways. But what got the Guv's dander up was a photo-shopped image of him in a cowboy hat that accompanied the piece.

Higher-ups at the newspaper heard about it from him face-to-face. I heard about it from him face-to-face. And I heard many others heard about it from him face-to-face.

Message? He doesn't wear hats. Why would we put him in a hat?

So you can imagine how he felt about appearing on the front page wearing an oil funnel.

So what's killing me is that I cannot find that darned picture of Corbett in the cowboy hat. But I will -- if I have to travel to the ends of cyberspace. And when I do, I plan to publish it here at Attytood. Every single day. Especially since he's making good on that promise to turn us into Texas...and all that that implies.