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OK, this may be the most bizarre use of Connie Mack Stadium...ever

I meant to post this earlier in the week but when you have blonde-trolling Bensalem cops and what not, it's hard to keep your focus. Anyway, yet another wave of Tea Party people descended on Capitol Hill this week, desperate to stop government healthcare because it might reduce their government healthcare. Anyway, the Kentucky Tea Partiers got to meet with staffers of their state's junior senator, non-re-election-seeking ex-Phillies pitcher Jim Bunning. The event was mildly newsworthy because the Tea Party folks said the usual stuff about our first Muslim president and his phony birth certificate, but what stuck me is that this all played out in front of a massive picture of Bunning's old stomping grounds, Connie Mack Stadium/Shibe Park up at 21st and Lehigh. Weird. If only tiny two-dimensional-Dick-Allen-on-the-wall could talk, just so he could say, "Damn, you people are all bat-guano crazy!"