R-E-S-P-E-C-T...find out what it means, Barack
Well, the good news is that the Queen of Soul will be drivin' down the Freeway of Love (since she refuses to fly) to perform at Barack Obama's inauguration on Jan. 20. The bad news is that Obama seems determined to deliver
» READ MORE: the purpose-driven knife
to his once most-enthusiastic supporters, naming pop pastor Rick Warren to deliver the invocation just days after Warren helped to deep-six gay marriage in California. He's even lost People for the American Way on this one:
Sure, it was probably centrist voters who put Obama over the top back on 11/4, but it was liberals -- the kind who voted against for Prop 8 or would have if they had the chance -- who gave the bulk of those hundreds of millions of dollars who made it happen. He won't raise $750 million next time around on this pace. The other good news is there's no way 4 million are coming to his inauguration now.
But we'll always have Aretha: