New Corbett TV ad mocks Wolf's Jeep
Gov. Corbett's reelection campaign is starting an ad Friday that tries to tie Democrat Tom Wolf, to tax increases in the Rendell administration, when Wolf was revenue secretary.
A new TV ad for Gov. Corbett mocks the iconic Jeep that starred in Democrat Tom Wolf's introductory commercials.
At the beginning, a black Jeep with a WOLF license plate is stalled on the road at night, when a Dodge Ram pickup rolls up with a throaty roar, bearing CORBETT tags. The ad attempts to tie higher taxes and job losses that began during the recession, under former Gov. Ed Rendell (D) to Wolf, a York businessman who served as revenue secretary for a portion of Rendell's second term.
"Tom Wolf's record on jobs is a car wreck, an announcer said. "While Wolf served in Harrisburg as the state's top tax collector, our taxes went through the roof. And higher taxes led to 152,000 PA workers losing their jobs and unemployment going up almost 50%. Fortunately Tom Corbett came along and cleaned up Wolf's mess."
At the close, Corbett's truck roars off while the Wolf Jeep fails to start.
"Gov. Corbett doesn't want Tom Wolf to be his opponent because he knows Tom Wolf will hold him accountable for cutting $1 billion dollars from education, kicking forty thousand families off health care, and giving oil and gas companies everything they want while failing to implement a responsible extraction tax," said Wolf spokesman Mark Nicastre. "This is just more evidence that Tom Corbett is afraid of Tom Wolf."
The television ad will be running statewide beginning Friday, said Corbett campaign spokesman Billy Pitman. It comes as the campaign is also airing a radio ad statewide that attacks both Wolf and U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz; she is labeled "extremely liberal."
"All these Democratic candidates are ... out there attacking the governor," Corbett media consultant John Brabender told Politico's Morning Score Thursday. "We're not just going to give them a free pass - we want to make sure our voice is in the narrative, and that we start contrasting against whoever our likely opponent will be for the fall."