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Booker: Tax sports leagues to fund domestic violence programs

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D. N.J.) called Tuesday for ending a tax exemption for professional sports leagues and spending the new revenue on domestic violence programs.

Booker's proposal comes as domestic violence among National Football League players has dominated the national headlines and conversation, though it seems a longshot to passage, particularly with Congress on the verge of leaving Washington until after Election Day.

Booker's office said the plan would raise $100 million over 10 years.

"Stopping domestic violence is a national priority that requires long-term, meaningful investment." Booker said in a news release, calling his proposal a "commonsense update to our tax laws."

Ten pro sports organizations – including the NFL, National Hockey League, Professional Golf Association and U.S. Tennis Association – currently use the tax exemption, according to the senator's office. Individual teams pay taxes, but dues they pay to fund the leagues' front offices are not taxed.

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